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Impact Certificate


Are you ready to make a positive impact while also making a good return on your investment?

Our 24-month Impact Certificate offers a 3% APY to you and an additional 2% of the certificate amount to your choice of the Center for Financial Empowerment or CA Wildfire Relief – paid by us directly to these charitable efforts over 12 months.1

It’s the ultimate way to earn dividends while also supporting the greater good.

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Account features

1APY = Annual Percentage Yield. APYs shown as of 8.23.24; subject to change without notice. Dividends compound monthly and are calculated on the Daily Balance Method. Your statement will show the actual Annual Percentage Yield Earned (APYE), which may be different from the APY.  The APYE and the initial APY may differ due to factors such as changes in interest rates, fluctuations in account balances, or variations in how interest is compounded over time. A penalty will apply for early withdrawal and could reduce the earnings on the account. Dividends earned will be reported on your 1099INT tax form. Consult with your advisor for any tax implications. 2A donation will be made to the Organization you selected – either Center for Financial Empowerment or CA Wildfire Relief – for opening a new Rize Federal Credit Union (Rize CU) Impact Certificate online. Donation will paid to Organization as follows: 2% of opening deposit, to be paid by the Rize CU to the Organization over the course of 12 months. This donation is not tax-deductible. If any portion of the original Certificate balance is withdrawn before the original term ends, the remaining amount of the donation to be paid to the Organization will be forfeited.