When you open an account, you become an owner of the Credit Union. Your needs and interests will always be at the forefront of our decision making. 

You belong here.

¿Por qué elegirnos?

We offer three accounts to help you establish a banking relationship and a solid credit history for your future.

  • Sin cargos por servicio mensual
  • No se requiere depósito inicial ni saldo mínimo
  • Tarjeta de débito Visa para hacer compras, utilizando el dinero en tu cuenta
  • Aplicación móvil para consultar saldos y depositar cheques
  • Pagos móviles a través de Apple, Google o Samsung Pay

A savings account is automatically opened to establish your membership in the Credit Union. It makes you an owner of the Credit Union, which is part of what makes us different than a bank.

An opening deposit of $5 is required.

A Credit Builder account is a loan and a savings account combined… and it’s one of the best ways to build your credit score.

  • Te hacemos un préstamo de $250 y depositamos los fondos en una cuenta de ahorros segura, que generan dividendos
  • Te hacemos un préstamo de $250 y depositamos los fondos en una cuenta de ahorros segura, que generan dividendos
  • A medida que tú pagas, nosotros reportamos tu buen historial de pagos a las agencias de crédito, lo te que ayuda a establecer tu puntaje de crédito
  • As you make payments, the funds from the secure account are made available to you – or you can leave the money in the account to earn more dividends

¡Consejo profesional! Configura una transferencia automática mensual desde tu cuenta de cheques para garantizar que los pagos se realicen a tiempo, ayudándote a construir un buen historial de pagos. ¡Es así de fácil!

And we’ll be here for you when you’re ready to open your business account, too!

1Checking accounts subject to ChexSystems. 2$5 deposit is required to establish membership in the Credit Union. Pays dividends on balances of $250 or more. 3Amount of funds made available to withdraw is based on payment amount interest paid, and dividends earned.