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ItemAmount & Description
Card or PIN special delivery$25 domestic; international at cost
Card replacement$5 debit or credit
Check cashingFree - 1.5% of amount for non-members, $5 minimum
Check copiesFree
Check ordersAt cost - personal or business
Checks paidFree - 30¢ per check over monthly limit on business accounts1
Coin deposit5% of amount redeemed by members, waived on Youth accounts - 10% for non-members
Currency/CoinFree - $2 per $1,000 over monthly limit on business accounts1
Deposited itemsFree - 10¢ per check over monthly limit on business accounts1
DepositsFree - $2 per deposit over monthly limit on business accounts1
Early withdrawalFree and unlimited via Digital Banking; 2 free per year on Club accounts, then $15; 4 free on Youth Super Saver, then $15
Foreign collections$30 for Canada, $40 for all other countries
Foreign transactions1% of total transaction, debit or credit
Inactive account$5 if no activity in 12 months - waived with balances > $250 or for members under 18
IRA transfer$25 if transferring to another financial institution
Medallion stampFree at select branches; by appointment only
Official checksFree - 1 per day, $3 each additional
Safe deposit box2Varies annually by size and availability
Service fee$15 per month on Fresh Start Checking
Temporary checksFree - up to 2 pages per calendar year

1Visit our Business Checking Accounts page for current monthly limits on business accounts. 2Safe deposit boxes and their contents are not insured by NCUA, are not available at all branches and are subject to availability.