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Membership Disclosures

Membership Agreement & Disclosure

Membership Agreement & Disclosure

Your Truth-In-Savings Disclosure

All agreements and disclosures shall be construed in accordance with the provisions of the California Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). Share “savings” accounts, share draft “checking” accounts, and term certificate accounts are subject to the requirements below and other terms and conditions as established by the Board of Directors and as contained in the account agreements.

Please note this agreement contains a binding individual arbitration provision and jury and class action waiver, which affect your rights with respect to any claims or disputes by or against Rize Federal Credit Union (RizeCU or the Credit Union). You may opt out of that provision as described below.

Information regarding member identification

To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, Federal law requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information identifying each person who opens an account.

What this means for our members
When you open an account, we will ask for your name, address, date of birth, and other information allowing us to identify you. We may also ask to see your driver’s license or other identifying objects.

General information about all of our accounts

  • Par value

    The par value of each share in Rize Federal Credit Union is $5.

  • Accrual of dividends

    Dividends begin to accrue on the business day you deposit cash or non-cash items (e.g., checks) into your account if you deposit them before the close of business. Accrued dividends may be forfeited if you close your savings, checking and term certificate accounts before dividends are credited.

  • Dividend rates

    The dividend rate and Annual Percentage Yield on our savings and term certificate accounts are stated on Tasas de Depósito. Accrual begins on the date of deposit. Dividends are paid from current income and available earnings after required transfers to reserves at the end of a dividend period.

  • Balance information

    We compute the balance in our deposit accounts to determine the dividends you will be paid by using the daily balance method which applies a daily periodic rate to the balance in your account each day.

  • Bylaw requirements

    The maximum amount of savings which may be held by any one member shall be established from time to time by resolution of the board.

    • The Credit Union will terminate from membership a member who fails to complete payment of one share within 30 days of his admission to membership, or
    • Fails to complete payment of one share within 30 days from the increase in the par value of shares, or
    • Reduces the share balance below the par value of one share and does not increase the balance to at least the par value of one share within 30 days of the reduction.

    The maximum amount of savings which may be held by any one member shall be established from time to time by resolution of the board.

    Savings may be transferred from one member to another by written instrument in such form as the Credit Union may prescribe. No transfer of voting rights or membership privileges is permitted by virtue of transfer to or co-ownership of savings by non-members. The Credit Union reserves the right, at any time, to require members to give, in writing, not less than seven days and not more than 60 days notice of intention to withdraw the whole or any part of the amounts so paid in by them.

    No member may withdraw shareholdings pledged as required for security on loans without the written approval of the senior loan officer, except to the extent such savings exceed the member’s total primary and contingent liability to the Credit Union. No member may withdraw any shareholdings below the amount of his/her primary or contingent liability to the Credit Union if he/she is delinquent as a borrower, or if borrowers for whom he/she is comaker, endorser, or guarantor are delinquent, without the written consent of the senior loan officer.

  • Requirement to maintain a Savings account

    You must open a Savings Account to open any other share or loan account. You must maintain the Savings Account to avoid the closure of that account and any subsequent accounts.

  • Cargo por cuenta inactiva

    Accounts with no activity for 12 consecutive months will be assessed the Inactive Account Fee as stated within our Tarifas y Cargos. You may avoid this fee if you meet any one of the following criteria:

    • You are a member under 18 years of age;
    • You maintain an aggregate balance of $250 or more in your account.

  • Closing accounts

    The Credit Union, at its sole discretion, may close an account at any time and remit the balance to you at the last address on file. Closure of an account will not affect the obligation to pay any outstanding balances of charges owed. Accrued dividends may be forfeited if the Credit Union closes your account.

  • Limitation/Suspension of services

    The Credit Union reserves the right to limit, restrict or deny any credit union product(s) or service(s) in accordance with our Limitation of Services Policy to any member who: (i) causes a loss to the Credit Union; (ii) misuses any Credit Union product or service; which may include and is not limited to attempts to structure transactions in order evade currency reporting requirements; (iii) mistreats any Credit Union team member or volunteer; (iv) provides false or misleading information in connection with any transaction or Credit Union product or service; (v) is convicted of a crime or is directly involved in any type of fraudulent activity or (v) fails to comply with the terms and conditions of any agreement with the Credit Union. Notwithstanding, all members retain the right to maintain a basic share account and to vote in annual and special meetings. No action to limit, restrict or deny services will relieve a member of the obligation to pay any outstanding balances, charges, or other amounts owed to the Credit Union.

    Accountholder(s) agree(s) to indemnify and hold the Credit Union harmless from and against all claims, actions, damages, losses, and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, resulting from any action or inaction taken in relation to the matters described here.

    Any limitation or restriction of services will be reasonably related to the nature of the member’s conduct. A member will be provided reasonable advance written notice before any restriction of services is implemented unless circumstances warrant more immediate action.

  • Transaction limitations

    The maximum amount you may withdraw in cash at any Credit Union branch location is $3,500 a day unless you contact us five business days in advance to arrange for a higher amount, which is subject to availability. Withdrawals made at shared branch (non-RizeCU) locations are also limited to $25,000 for check withdrawals or $1,000 for cash withdrawals unless authorization is obtained by the shared branch outlet.

  • Security password

    You may elect to add a security password to your account as an additional method of authenticating your identity when accessing your account information or conducting transactions over the phone. The password should be information known only to you. Sharing your password is strictly prohibited. You are responsible for protecting your password and agree to immediately report to us if you suspect it has been compromised in any way. You also agree to indemnify and hold the Credit Union harmless for any claims resulting from reliance on the password.

Arbitration & Waiver of Class Action & Jury Trial

Please read this provision carefully. It affects your rights and may have a substantial impact on how legal claims you and we have against each other are resolved if you do not opt-out as permitted below.

  • Arbitration

    To the extent permitted by the Federal Arbitration Act (the FAA) and any other applicable federal law, binding arbitration may be elected by either party with respect to any past, present, or future claim or controversy arising out of or relating to this agreement and/or a Credit Union account, even if that party has already initiated a lawsuit with respect to a different claim. Arbitration is elected by giving a written demand for arbitration to the other party, by filing a motion to compel arbitration in court, or by initiating arbitration against the other party. You and we agree, upon such written demand, motion or initiation, to submit to, and such claim shall be settled by binding arbitration.

    The arbitration will be subject to the rules of the American Arbitration Association (AAA) in effect at the time the arbitration is initiated or such similar rules as may be adopted by AAA. Neither party will demand the arbitration of an action filed in small claims court, or its state’s equivalent court, for any claim or dispute within the scope of the small claims court’s jurisdiction. But if a claim is transferred, removed, or appealed to a different court, such claim shall be subject to arbitration.

    This arbitration provision shall be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the FAA by a single arbitrator appointed by the AAA. The arbitrator shall be an attorney, retired judge or AAA panel member with experience and knowledge regarding financial institutions and transactions.

    Each party shall pay its own fees and costs of the arbitration pursuant to this agreement unless otherwise required by law.

    In each case, each party will pay for its own attorney fees and costs, if any, for prosecuting and defending claims, except the arbitrator may award the prevailing party all its attorney fees and costs, including expert witness fees.

    Arbitration hearings will be held in a location reasonably convenient to your residence or at another location if mutually agreed. Any issue concerning whether or the extent to which a dispute or claim is subject to arbitration, including issues relating to the validity or enforceability of these arbitration provisions, shall be determined by the arbitrator. Only a court, and not an arbitrator, however, shall determine the validity and effect of the class action and jury trial waivers below. All statutes of limitations or other defenses relating to the timeliness of the assertion of a dispute or claim that otherwise would be applicable to an action brought in a court of law must be followed by the arbitrator, and the commencement of an arbitration under this agreement shall be deemed the commencement of an action for such purposes. The arbitrator’s decision shall be final and binding and may be entered in any state or federal court having jurisdiction. The arbitrator may award any remedy provided by the substantive law that would apply if the action were pending in court. For more details, visit the American Arbitration Association or call 800.778.7879.

  • Waiver of Class Action & Jury Trial

    We each agree any and all disputes, whether submitted to arbitration or decided by a court, must be brought in the party's individual capacity and not as a class action plaintiff or class member in any purported class or representative proceeding. You agree to waive the right to participate in a class action or litigate on a class-wide basis. You agree you have expressly and knowingly waived these rights. You and the Credit Union hereby voluntarily and knowingly waive the right to trial by jury of all disputes, controversies and claims by, between or against either you or the Credit Union whether the dispute, controversy or claim is submitted to arbitration or is decided by a court, to the fullest extent allowed by law.

  • Your right to opt-out: Arbitration & Waiver of Class Action & Jury Trial

    If you do not want this Arbitration & Waiver of Class Action & Jury Trial provision to apply, you may opt out by sending a written request to the Credit Union postmarked within 60 days of your receipt of this agreement. The opt-out must include your full name, address, phone number, account number, and personal signature and must be mailed to the Credit Union at PO Box 8017, El Monte, CA 91734. Opting out will not terminate this agreement or affect any other rights and obligations you or the Credit Union have under this agreement. This arbitration provision does not preclude you from bringing issues regarding your accounts to the attention of any federal, state or local agency or entity. Such agency or entity may be able to seek relief on your behalf.

    Nothing in this arbitration provision shall limit your or our right, whether before, during, or after the pendency of any arbitration proceeding, to exercise any self-help remedies, such as setoff or repossession and sale of collateral, or to obtain provisional remedies (including but not limited to, injunctive relief or interpleader relief). The exercise of such rights will not constitute a waiver of the right to submit any dispute to arbitration.

    This Arbitration & Waiver of Class Action & Jury Trial provision shall survive your death, the closing of any of your accounts, the termination of any of your business or transaction(s) with us, and any bankruptcy filing to the extent consistent with applicable bankruptcy law, and shall also survive as to any claim within the scope of this agreement.

    If any term or provision of this Arbitration & Waiver of Class Action & Jury Trial provision is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall be enforced without regard to the invalid or unenforceable term or provision.

Cuentas de ahorros

RizeCU’s savings accounts let you deposit your money in a savings account and withdraw your money generally at any time. Our savings accounts are the Savings Account, No Dividend Savings, Youth Savings, Money Market Account, Super Saver, Youth Super Saver, Vacation Club, Holiday Club and IRA Accounts.

Información sobre las tasas
Our savings accounts are designated variable rate accounts. These rates and yields may change at any time at the Credit Union’s discretion. Current rates are posted on our Tasas de Depósito webpage.

  • Savings Account

    Requisitos de saldo mínimo y depósito
    The minimum deposit required for you to open your Savings Account is $5. You must maintain a minimum balance of $250 to obtain the Annual Percentage Yield stated within our Tasas de Depósito. If the account balance falls below the minimum required balance, you will not receive any accrued dividends.

    Capitalización y acreditación de dividendos
    Dividends will be compounded quarterly and will be credited quarterly. For the savings account, the dividend period is quarterly. For example, the beginning date of the first dividend period of the calendar year is January 1, and the ending date is March 31. All other dividend periods follow this same pattern of dates. The dividend declaration date follows the ending date of a dividend period. The most recent dividend declaration date is reflected within our Tasas de Depósito.

  • No Dividend Savings Account

    Requisitos de saldo mínimo y depósito
    The minimum deposit required for you to open your No Dividend Savings Account is $5. No minimum balance requirements apply to this account.

  • Cuentas de Ahorros

    Our Youth Savings Account is a savings account for members under 18 years of age.

    Requisitos de saldo mínimo y depósito
    The minimum deposit required for you to open your Youth Savings Account is $5. You must maintain a balance to obtain the Annual Percentage Yield stated within our Tasas de Depósito.

    Capitalización y acreditación de dividendos
    Dividends will be compounded quarterly and will be credited quarterly. For the Youth Savings Account, the dividend period is quarterly. For example, the beginning date of the first dividend period of the calendar year is January 1st and the ending date is March 31st. All other dividend periods follow this same pattern of dates. The dividend declaration date follows the ending date of a dividend period. The most recent dividend declaration date is reflected within our Tasas de Depósito.

    At the age of 18, the Youth Savings Account will be converted to a regular Savings Account (refer to Savings Account for additional account information).

  • Money Market Account

    Our Money Market Account is a tiered variable rate account.

    Requisitos de saldo mínimo y depósito
    The minimum deposit required to open a Money Market Account and the minimum balance required to obtain the Annual Percentage Yield is indicated for each tier are stated within our Tasas de Depósito. The dividend rate and the Annual Percentage Yield are based on the entire daily balance of the tiered accounts. If your daily balance is increased or decreased, the dividend rate and the Annual Percentage Yield for the appropriate tier will be paid on the entire daily balance in your account.

    Capitalización y acreditación de dividendos
    Dividends will be compounded monthly and will be credited monthly. For the Money Market Account, the period is monthly. For example, the beginning date of the first dividend period of the calendar year is January 1, and the ending date is January 31. All other dividend periods follow this same pattern of dates. The dividend declaration date follows the ending date of a dividend period. The most recent dividend declaration date is reflected within our Tasas de Depósito.

  • Premier Money Market Account

    Our Premier Money Market Account is a tiered variable rate account. The first-tier balance is from $0 to $499,999.99 and will earn the regular Savings Account rate. The second tier is from $500,000 to $749,999.99, the third tier is from $750,000 to $999,999.99, and the fourth tier is $1,000,000 or higher. The initial rate and annual percentage yield (APY) per tier are stated within our Tasas de Depósito. The rate and APY are subject to change without notice or limitation.

    Requisitos de saldo mínimo y depósito
    The minimum deposit required to open a Premier Money Market Account and to obtain the Annual Percentage Yield are indicated for each tier within our Tasas de Depósito. The dividend rate and the Annual Percentage Yield are based on the entire daily balance of the tiered accounts. If your daily balance is increased or decreased, the dividend rate and the Annual Percentage Yield for the appropriate tier will be paid on the entire daily balance in your account.

    Capitalización y acreditación de dividendos
    Dividends will be compounded monthly and will be credited monthly. For the Premier Money Market Account, the period is monthly. For example, the beginning date of the first dividend period of the calendar year is January 1 and the ending date is January 31. All other dividend periods follow this same pattern of dates. The dividend declaration date follows the ending date of a dividend period. The most recent dividend declaration date is reflected within our Tasas de Depósito.

  • Super Saver Account

    Requisitos de saldo mínimo y depósito
    There are no minimum deposit or balance requirements for your Super Saver Account.

    Capitalización y acreditación de dividendos
    Dividends will be compounded quarterly and will be credited quarterly. For the Super Saver Account, the dividend period is quarterly. For example, the beginning date of the first dividend period of the calendar year is January 1, and the ending date is March 31. All other dividend periods follow this same pattern of dates. The dividend declaration date follows the ending date of a dividend period. The most recent dividend declaration date is reflected within our Tasas de Depósito.

    Transaction limitations
    The maximum number of withdrawals you may make is two within a calendar year. If you exceed the withdrawal limitations in any calendar year, your account will be subject to the fee stated within our Tarifas y Cargos.

  • Youth Super Saver Account

    Our Youth Super Saver Account is a savings account for members under 18 years of age.

    Requisitos de saldo mínimo y depósito
    There are no minimum deposit or balance requirements for your Super Saver Account.

    Capitalización y acreditación de dividendos Dividends will be compounded quarterly and will be credited quarterly. For the Youth Super Saver Account, the dividend period is quarterly. For example, the beginning date of the first dividend period of the calendar year is January 1 and the ending date is March 31. All other dividend periods follow this same pattern of dates. The dividend declaration date follows the ending date of a dividend period. The most recent dividend declaration date is reflected within our Tasas de Depósito.

    Transaction limitations
    The maximum number of withdrawals you may make from your Youth Super Saver Account is four within a calendar year. If you exceed the withdrawal limitations in any calendar year, your account will be subject to the fee stated within our Tarifas y Cargos.

    At the age of 18, the Youth Super Saver will be converted to a regular Super Saver (refer to Super Saver section for account information).

  • Vacation Club Account

    Requisitos de saldo mínimo y depósito
    The minimum deposit required for you to open your Vacation Club Account is $10. There is no minimum balance requirement for our Vacation Club Account.

    Capitalización y acreditación de dividendos
    Dividends will be compounded monthly and will be credited monthly. For the Vacation Club Account, the dividend period is monthly. For example, the beginning date of the first dividend period of the calendar year is January 1 and the ending date is January 31. All other dividend periods follow this same pattern of dates. The dividend declaration date follows the ending date of a dividend period. The most recent dividend declaration date is reflected within our Tasas de Depósito.

    Transaction limitations
    Your Vacation Club Account may be opened at any time. Funds will be disbursed to you on or about June 1. No withdrawals may be made without penalty. If a withdrawal is necessary, the account will be subject to an early withdrawal fee as stated within our Tarifas y Cargos.

  • Holiday Club Account

    Requisitos de saldo mínimo y depósito
    The minimum deposit required for you to open your Holiday Club Account is $10. There is no minimum balance requirement for our Vacation Club Account.

    Capitalización y acreditación de dividendos
    Dividends will be compounded monthly and will be credited monthly. For the Vacation Club Account, the dividend period is monthly. For example, the beginning date of the first dividend period of the calendar year is January 1 and the ending date is January 31. All other dividend periods follow this same pattern of dates. The dividend declaration date follows the ending date of a dividend period. The most recent dividend declaration date is reflected within our Tasas de Depósito.

    Transaction limitations
    Your Vacation Club Account may be opened at any time. Funds will be disbursed to you on or about November 1. No withdrawals may be made without penalty. If a withdrawal is necessary, the account will be subject to an early withdrawal fee as stated within our Tarifas y Cargos.

  • IRA Savings Account (Roth, Traditional and Coverdell Education Savings (previously Education))

    Requisitos de saldo mínimo y depósito
    There is no minimum deposit required to open your IRA Savings Account. There is no minimum balance required to obtain the Annual Percentage Yield as stated within our Tasas de Depósito.

    Capitalización y acreditación de dividendos
    Dividends will be compounded monthly and will be credited monthly. For the IRA Savings Accounts, the dividend period is monthly. For example, the beginning date of the first dividend period of the calendar year is January 1 and the ending date is January 31. All other dividend periods follow this same pattern of dates. The dividend declaration date follows the ending date of a dividend period. The most recent dividend declaration date is reflected within our Tasas de Depósito.

    Incorporation of IRA Agreement & Disclosures
    All other terms and disclosures for our Individual Retirement Accounts are contained in the Credit Union’s Individual Retirement Account agreement and disclosure statement, which is incorporated into this account disclosure in its entirety by this reference. When you open your Individual Retirement Account, the Credit Union agreement and disclosure statement will be provided to you.

  • Cuenta de ahorros para salud

    Requisitos de saldo mínimo y depósito
    The minimum balance required to open your Health Savings Checking Account is $50. There is no minimum balance required to obtain the Annual Percentage Yield stated within our Tasas de Depósito.

    Información sobre las tasas
    Our Health Savings Checking Account is designated as a variable rate account on the Rate Schedule. These rates and yields may change at any time at the Credit Union’s discretion.

    Capitalización y acreditación de dividendos
    Dividends will be compounded monthly and will be credited monthly. For the Health Savings Checking Account, the period is monthly. For example, the beginning date of the first dividend period of the calendar year is January 1 and the ending date is January 31. All other dividend periods follow this same pattern of dates. The dividend declaration date follows the ending date of a dividend period. The most recent dividend declaration date is reflected within our Tasas de Depósito.

    Incorporation of Health Savings Account Agreement & Disclosures
    All other terms and disclosures for our Health Savings Accounts are contained in the Credit Union’s Health Savings Account Agreement & Disclosure statement, which by this reference is incorporated into this account disclosure in its entirety. When you open your Health Savings Account, the Credit Union agreement and disclosure statement will be provided to you.

Cuentas de cheques

RizeCU’s checking accounts let you withdraw your money and write checks against your account at any time. Our checking accounts are the Rize™ High-Yield Checking, Free Checking, Teen Checking, Fresh Start Checking, Rewards Checking, BankOn Checking, and Health Savings Checking.

  • Rize™ Checking Account

    The Rize™ Checking Account is a reverse-tiered variable rate account that must be opened online and is limited to one checking account per Social Security number. This account is a consumer-based product not available to businesses.

    Requisitos de saldo mínimo y depósito
    There is no minimum balance required to open your Rize™ Checking Account. To qualify for and earn dividends, you must make 10 debit card purchase transactions that post to your account during each statement cycle (ATM withdrawal transactions are not considered debit card purchases) This requirement must be met each month in order to be eligible to obtain the Annual Percentage Yield as stated within our Tasas de Depósito and to earn dividends.

    For qualifying accounts that meet the requirements, the balance required to obtain the Annual Percentage Yield for each tier is indicated within our Tasas de Depósito. Dividends are paid at a tiered rate for the portion of the balance within each tier.

    Información sobre las tasas
    Our Rize™ Checking Account is designated as a variable rate account within our Tasas de Depósito. These rates and yields may change at any time at the Credit Union’s discretion.

    Capitalización y acreditación de dividendos
    Dividends will be compounded monthly and will be credited monthly. For the Rize™ Checking Account, the period is monthly. For example, the beginning date of the first dividend period of the calendar year is January 1, and the ending date is January 31. All other dividend periods follow this same pattern of dates. The dividend declaration date follows the ending date of a dividend period. The most recent dividend declaration date is reflected within our Tasas de Depósito.

    Total dividends paid are the sum of dividends earned from the balance in each tier. The dividend earned, which varies depending on the balance in the account, is calculated daily based on the ending qualifying balance within each tier and is totaled at month-end to pay a blended Annual Percentage Yield during the dividend period. Dividends will be forfeited if your account is closed prior to the last day of the month.

  • Free Checking Account

    Requisitos de saldo mínimo y depósito
    There is no minimum balance required to open a Free Checking Account. The Free Checking Account is a non-dividend earning account.

  • Cuenta de Débito

    Our Teen Checking Account is available to eligible members between 12 to 17 years of age. Upon reaching 18 years old, the Teen Checking Account will convert to a Free Checking Account.

    Requisitos de saldo mínimo y depósito
    There is no minimum balance required to open a Teen Checking Account.

  • Fresh Start Checking Account

    The Fresh Start Checking Account is available to eligible members who have had a record reported to a consumer reporting agency. If the Fresh Start Checking Account is in good standing for one year, the account may be converted to another checking account at the member’s request.

    The Fresh Start Checking Account is a non-dividend earning account.

    Requisitos de saldo mínimo y depósito
    There is no minimum deposit required o open your Fresh Start Checking Account. There is a monthly service fee as stated within our Tarifas y Cargos.

  • Rewards Checking Account

    Requisitos de saldo mínimo y depósito
    There is no minimum balance required to open your Rewards Checking Account and to obtain the Annual Percentage Yield stated within our Tasas de Depósito. You must complete a monthly electronic deposit (Direct Deposit, Payroll, ATM, Online Banking transfer and Mobile Remote Deposit are considered electronic deposits) of at least $500 and have elected to receive electronic statements (eStatements) to avoid a monthly service fee as stated within our Tarifas y Cargos.

    Información sobre las tasas
    Our Rewards Checking Account is designated as a variable rate account on our Tasas de Depósito. These rates and yields may change at any time at the Credit Union’s discretion.

    Capitalización y acreditación de dividendos
    Dividends will be compounded monthly and will be credited monthly. For the Rewards Checking Account, the period is monthly. For example, the beginning date of the first dividend period of the calendar year is January 1, and the ending date is January 31. All other dividend periods follow this same pattern of dates. The dividend declaration date follows the ending date of a dividend period. The most recent dividend declaration date is reflected within our Tasas de Depósito.

  • BankOn Checking Account

    The BankOn Checking Account is available to eligible members who want to avoid overdraft check fees and have opted not to write checks on their accounts. The Credit Union will not order checks for this account type. The Credit Union is not responsible for monitoring if the accountholder orders checks from a third party, and payment of checks will not be prohibited. The BankOn Checking Account is a non-dividend earning account.

    Requisitos de saldo mínimo y depósito
    There is no minimum deposit required to open your BankOn Checking Account. There is no monthly service fee for this account.

Term Certificate Accounts

RizeCU’s term certificate accounts let you deposit your money for a specified period of time. Our term certificate accounts are the Term Certificates, Roth IRA Term Certificates, Coverdell Education Savings Term Certificates, and IRA Term Certificates.

Annual Percentage Yield
The Annual Percentage Yield is based on an assumption that dividends will remain on deposit until maturity. If you make a withdrawal from your account, your earnings will be reduced.

Your account will mature as reflected in our Tasas de Depósito. The maturity date will be stated on the certificate or receipt you gave us at the time you opened your account.

Información sobre las tasas
Our term certificates are designated fixed rate accounts within our Tarifas y Cargos. You will be paid these rates and yields until maturity.

Requisitos de saldo mínimo y depósito
You must maintain a minimum balance of $1,000 in your term certificate account to obtain the Annual Percentage Yield stated within our Tasas de Depósito and to avoid closure.

Renewal of account/grace period
Your account will automatically renew at maturity for the same time period as the original term at the prevailing rate unless you withdraw all of the funds in your account at maturity or within a grace period of 10 days after maturity.

Account limitations
You may not make deposits into this account until the maturity date. See Early Withdrawal Penalties. You may withdraw dividends from your account at any time.

Early withdrawal penalty
We may impose a penalty if you withdraw any of the funds from your account before the maturity date. The penalty imposed shall be as follows:

  1. If the term of the account is 91 days, the member shall forfeit all dividends earned
  2. If the term of the account is 6  to 12 months, the member shall forfeit an amount up to 90 days of dividends
  3. If the term of the account is 18  to 60 months, the member shall forfeit an amount of up to 180 days of dividends

Exceptions to penalties
The penalties stated below will not apply if:

  1. The withdrawal is made subsequent to the death of any owner of the term certificate account or is made pursuant to the Credit Union’s bylaws;
  2. The term certificate account is part of a pension plan which qualifies or is qualified for specific tax treatment under Section 401(d) or 408 of the Internal Revenue Code, and withdrawal is made to effect distribution of the funds evidenced by such account following the participant’s death or disability, or upon attaining not less than 70 1/2 years of age; or
  3. Such withdrawal is made as a result of the voluntary or involuntary liquidation of the Credit Union issuing the account.

Incorporation of IRA Agreement & Disclosures
All other terms and disclosures for our Individual Retirement Accounts are contained in the Credit Union’s Individual Retirement Account Agreement & Disclosure statement, which by this reference is incorporated into this account disclosure in its entirety. When you open your Individual Retirement Account, the Credit Union agreement and disclosure statement will be provided to you.

  • 91 Day Term Certificate

    Capitalización y acreditación de dividendos
    Dividends will be compounded and credited at maturity.

  • Term Certificate

    Our term certificates range from 6- to 60-month terms.

    Capitalización y acreditación de dividendos
    Dividends will be compounded monthly and will be credited monthly. For the Term Certificate, the dividend period is monthly.

  • Roth IRA Term Certificate

    Our Roth IRA Term Certificates range from 12- to 60-month terms.

    Capitalización y acreditación de dividendos
    Dividends will be compounded monthly and will be credited monthly. For the Term Certificate, the dividend period is monthly.

  • Coverdell Education Savings Term Certificate

    Our Coverdell Education Savings Term Certificates range from 12- to 60-month terms.

    Capitalización y acreditación de dividendos
    Dividends will be compounded monthly and will be credited monthly. For the Coverdell Education Savings Term Certificate, the dividend period is monthly.

  • IRA Term Certificate

    Our IRA Term Certificates range from 12- to 60-month terms.

    Capitalización y acreditación de dividendos
    Dividends will be compounded monthly and will be credited monthly. For the IRA Term Certificate, the dividend period is monthly.

Electronic Funds Transfer Disclosure & Agreement

This EFT Disclosure & Agreement (Agreement), as amended from time to time, sets forth the terms and conditions governing the use of the RizeCU electronic transfer services. Disclosure information that applies to all electronic services offered by RizeCU is given below, followed by specific disclosure information for each service. RizeCU may also provide remittance transfers (defined by Regulation E, Subpart B, as an electronic transfer of funds of more than $15, which is requested by a sender and sent to a designated recipient in a foreign country by a remittance transfer provider). The terms and conditions for such electronic transfers will be disclosed to you separately when you receive those services and may differ from the terms and conditions disclosed herein. As applicable and to the extent not in conflict with such separately provided disclosures, the terms and conditions here will apply to remittance transfers that also meet the definition of an electronic fund transfer under Regulation E, subpart A. This agreement takes the place of all prior agreements and disclosures governing the use of all electronic services. By retaining, using, or allowing others to use the electronic services offered by RizeCU, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement. In this agreement, the term “you” and “your(s)” refer to the member, and the terms “we,” “us” and “our(s)” refer to RizeCU.

Personal identification number
The Credit Union will issue you a Personal Identification Number (PIN) that must be used with the ATM/Debit Card for transactions that require the use of a PIN. This number should be memorized. Do not write it on your ATM/Debit Card or where it is easily accessible by others. After memorizing your PIN, you should destroy the notice securely disclosing your PIN. If you forget, misplace or otherwise disclose your PIN, contact the Credit Union, and we will issue you a new one.

Right to receive documentation of transactions
You will get a monthly account statement reflecting all of your transactions unless there is no activity in a particular month. In any case, you will get the statement at least quarterly. Depending on the terminal, or if the transaction is $15 or less, you may receive a receipt at the time you make a transaction at a terminal. If you do receive a receipt, you can keep the receipt to compare with your monthly statement from the Credit Union.

Your liability for lost, stolen or unauthorized transactions involving automated teller machine (ATM) cards
Tell us at once if you believe your ATM/Debit Card and/or Personal Identification Number (PIN) has been lost or stolen, or if you believe an electronic transfer has been made without your permission using information from your check. Calling is the best way of keeping your possible losses down. You could lose all the money in your account (plus your maximum overdraft line of credit, if you have one with us). If you tell us within two business days, you can lose no more than $50 if someone used your ATM/Debit Card or PIN without your permission. If you do not tell us within two business days after you learn of the loss or theft of your ATM/Debit Card or PIN, and we can prove we could have stopped someone from using your ATM/Debit Card or PIN without your permission if you had told us, you could lose as much as $500. Also, if your statement shows transfers you did not make, tell us at once. If you do not tell us within 60 days after the statement was mailed to you, you may not get back any money you lost after the 60 days if we can prove we could have stopped someone from taking the money if you had told us in time. If a good reason (such as a long trip or hospital stay) keeps you from telling us, we will extend the time period. If you have authorized someone else to use the ATM/Debit Card and/or PIN, you are responsible for all transactions that person or persons initiate at any time, even if the amount or transactions exceed what you may have authorized.

Your liability for lost, stolen or unauthorized transactions involving Visa Debit Card
Tell us at once if you believe your Debit Card and/or Personal Identification Number (PIN) has been lost or stolen or if your statement shows an electronic fund transfer has been made without your permission using information from your check. Calling is the best way of keeping your possible losses down. You could lose all the money in your account (plus your maximum overdraft line of credit if you have one with us). If you tell us within 60 days of our sending your statement, you can lose no more than $50 if someone used your debit card without your permission. If you do not tell us within 60 days after the statement was mailed to you, you may not get back any money you lost after the close of the 60 days and before notice to us. If your delay in notifying us was due to extenuating circumstances beyond your reasonable control, including extended travel, you or a member of your family’s serious illness or death, hospitalization, permanent mental impairment or serious physical impairment, unless the circumstance did not reasonably contribute to your delay in notifying us within the 60-day period, we will extend the 60-day period by a reasonable period.

Special Notice to Visa Debit cardholders
If there is an unauthorized use of your Visa Debit Card or a Plus network or Interlink transaction, and the transaction takes place on the Visa network, then your liability will be $0. This provision limiting your liability does not apply to Visa Corporate Card transactions, Visa Purchasing Card transactions, anonymous Visa Prepaid Card transactions, ATM cash disbursements processed on non-Visa or non-Plus networks, or non-Visa PIN-less debit transactions. Additionally, your liability with respect to unauthorized transactions may be greater than the above $0 liability limit, to the extent allowed under applicable law, if the Credit Union reasonably determines, based on substantial evidence, that you were negligent or fraudulent in the handling of your account or card. In any case, to minimize your potential liability, you should notify us of any unauthorized use no later than 60 days after your statement was mailed to you.

How to notify the Credit Union in the event of an unauthorized transaction
If you believe your ATM/Debit Card or PIN has been lost or stolen, or someone has transferred or may transfer money from your account without your permission, call 800.866.6474 o Contáctenos through our website. You should also contact us if you believe a transfer has been made using information from your check without your permission.

Business days
Our business days are Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.

Our liability for failure to make transfers
If we do not complete a transaction to or from your savings or checking account on time or in the correct amount according to our agreement with you, we will be liable for your losses or damages. However, there are some exceptions. We will not be liable, for instance, if:

  1. through no fault of ours, you do not have enough money in your account (your available balance) to make the transaction;
  2. the transaction would go over the credit limit on your credit line;
  3. the terminal where you were making the transaction did not have enough cash;
  4. the ATM or network system was not working properly, and you were aware of the malfunction when you started the transaction;
  5. circumstances beyond our control (such as fire, flood, power failure or computer downtime) prevented the transaction, despite reasonable precautions we have taken;
  6. the money in your account is subject to an uncollected funds hold, legal process or any other encumbrance or agreement restricting a transaction;
  7. your ATM/Debit Card has expired, is damaged so the terminal cannot read the encoding strip, is inactive or because your PIN has been entered incorrectly;
  8. your ATM/Debit Card or PIN has been reported lost or stolen, and we have blocked the account; or
  9. the failure to complete the transaction is done to protect the integrity of the system or the security of your account.

There may be other exceptions that are not specifically mentioned above.

In case of errors or questions about your electronic transfers
Llame al 800.866.6474 o Contáctenos through our website as soon as you can if you think your statement or receipt is wrong or if you need more information about a transfer listed on the statement or receipt. We must hear from you no later than 60 days after we sent the first statement on which the problem or error appeared.

  1. Tell us your name and account number, if any
  2. Describe the error or transfer you are unsure about, and explain as clearly as you can why you believe it is an error or why you need more information
  3. Tell us the dollar amount of the suspected error

If you tell us orally, we may need you to send us your complaint or question in writing within 10 business days.

We will determine whether an error occurred within 10 business days after we hear from you and will correct any error promptly. If we need more time, however, we may take up to 45 days to investigate your complaint or question. If we decide to do this, we will credit your account within 10 business days for the amount you think is in error, so you will have the use of the money during the time it takes us to complete our investigation. (If the error you assert is an unauthorized Visa transaction, other than a cash disbursement at an ATM, we will credit your account within 5 business days unless we determine the circumstances or your account history warrant a delay, in which case you will receive credit within 10 business days.) If we ask you to put your complaint or question in writing and we do not receive it within 10 business days, we may not credit your account.

For errors involving new accounts, point-of-sale, or foreign-initiated transactions, we may take up to 90 days to investigate your complaint or question. For new accounts, we may take up to 20 business days to credit your account for the amount you think is in error.

We will tell you the results within three business days after completing our investigation. If we decide there was no error, we will send you a written explanation within three business days after we finish our investigation. You may ask for copies of the documents we used in our investigation.

In order to obtain the electronic services listed, you must open and maintain a savings or checking account. All charges associated with our electronic fund transactions are disclosed within our Tarifas y Cargos.

Disclosure of account information to third parties
We will disclose information to third parties about your account or the transfers you make:

  1. when it is necessary to complete the transaction;
  2. in order to verify the existence and condition of your account for a third party, such as a credit bureau or merchant;
  3. in order to comply with government agency or court orders or other legal process; or
  4. if you give us your prior oral or written permission.

Address change
Keep the Credit Union informed of your current address to ensure correct mailing of monthly statements. If we do not have your current address on file, you will be assessed the fee as stated within our Tarifas y Cargos. If you have elected to receive statements electronically, it is also your responsibility to keep the Credit Union informed of your current email address.

The Credit Union may change the terms and conditions of this agreement from time to time by mailing written notice to your address as it appears on our records. If any change results in greater cost or liability to you or decreases access to your accounts, you will be given at least 21 days prior notice of the change. Prior notice may not be given where an immediate change in terms or conditions is necessary to maintain the integrity of the system and/or the security of ATM cards, debit cards or designated accounts.

You may terminate this agreement with us at any time. The Credit Union reserves the right to terminate this agreement and/or your use of your ATM/debit card or PIN with or without cause. We may do so immediately if:

  1. you or any authorized user of your ATM/debit card, PIN or account breaches this or any other agreement with the Credit Union;
  2. we have reason to believe there has been, or might be, unauthorized use of your ATM card, debit card, PIN or account; or
  3. you or any authorized user of your ATM/debit card, PIN or account request we do so.

Additional benefits/card enhancements
The Credit Union may, from time to time, offer additional services to your account. Some may be at no additional cost to you, and others may involve a specified fee. You understand the Credit Union is not obligated to offer such services and may withdraw or change them at any time.

Waiver of rights
The Credit Union can delay enforcing any of the provisions under this agreement or the law any number of times without losing its right to enforce them at a later date.

Other agreements
Except as stated otherwise in the agreement, this agreement does not alter or amend any of the terms or conditions of any other agreement you may have with the Credit Union.

If any part of this agreement should be held to be unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

Who is bound by this Agreement
Each person who signs the application agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement. If more than one person signs the application, all signers are jointly and severally liable. The Credit Union can waive or delay the enforcement of its rights to one signer without affecting its ability to enforce its rights to the other signers. The agreement is also binding upon your heirs, personal representatives and successors.

By using your access to the system, or authorizing anyone else to use your access to the system, and/or by signing the application, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement & Disclosure.

  • Additional disclosure applicable to ACH services

    Documentation of direct deposit
    If you have arranged to have direct deposits made to your account at least once every 60 days from the same person or company, you can call us at 800.866.6474 to find out whether or not the deposit has been made. If the only possible transfers to or from your account are direct deposits or preauthorized deposits, you will get at least a quarterly statement from us.

    Disclosure of right to stop payment

    • Right to stop payment and procedure for doing so – If you have told us in advance to make regular payments out of your account, you can stop any of these payments. Here’s how: call us at 800.866.6474 o Contáctenos through the website in time for us to receive your request three business days or more before the payment is scheduled to be made. If you call we may also require you to put your request in writing and get it to us within 14 days.
    • Notice of varying amounts – If these regular payments vary in amount, the person you are going to pay will tell you 10 days before each payment, when it will be made and how much it will be. You may choose instead to get this notice only when the payment would differ by more than a certain amount from the previous payment, or when the amount would fall outside certain limits you set.

    Transactions available
    You may use your ACH services to perform the following transactions:

    • Make deposits to your savings, checking account, Money Market, Vacation and Holiday accounts;
    • Make loan payments;
    • Pay bills directly from your savings, checking, or Money Market account in the amounts and on the days you request;
    • Authorize a merchant or other payee to make a one-time electronic payment from your checking account using information from your check to pay bills or pay for purchases; and
    • Authorize a merchant or other payee to debit your checking account for returned check fees or return debit entry fees.

  • Additional disclosure applicable to ATM services

    Rules for use
    By using your ATM/debit card with your personal identification number (PIN) at automated teller machines (ATMs) or other electronic terminals operated by a participating institution, network system, or company (terminals), you authorize us to effect the transactions from or to your savings or checking account(s) in accordance with the instructions given at the terminals. All ATM/Debit Card transactions are subject to the terms and conditions of your account agreements with us governing the affected accounts.

    ATM fees
    When you use an ATM not owned by RizeCU, you may be charged a fee by RizeCU or the ATM operator, and you may be charged a fee for a balance inquiry even if you do not complete a fund transfer. A fee will not be imposed for the use of an ATM or debit card issued by RizeCU for use of an electronic terminal operated by RizeCU. Refer to our Tarifas y Cargos for the amount charged by RizeCU.

    Transactions available
    You may use your ATM/debit card to perform the following transactions:

    • Make deposits to your savings or checking account;
    • Withdraw cash from your savings or checking and loan account;
    • Transfer funds between your savings and checking and loan account;
    • Make point-of-sale payments for goods and services to others from your checking account; and
    • Make account balance inquiries.

    Some of the transactions listed above may not be available at all terminals. All payments and deposits are subject to later verification by us.

    Limitations on transactions
    You may make ATM cash withdrawals or debit transactions up to $610 ($250 for Teen Checking accounts) each 24-hour period as long as your available balance will cover the transaction or has not been assigned a custom limit. Various institutions that participate in networks of which the Credit Union is a member may have withdrawal limits different from the amount set forth herein. In the event a specific ATM is so limited, you may not be able to withdraw more than the cash limit of a particular ATM.

    Access cards
    All ATM/debit cards are non-transferable and belong to the Credit Union. The Credit Union may cancel, modify and restrict the use of any ATM/debit card upon proper notice or without notice if your account is overdrawn or where necessary to maintain or restore the security of accounts on the ATM system.

    ATM safety
    An ATM provides a quick and convenient way to access your money. However, use caution and remember the following safety tips whenever you use an ATM:

    • Be aware of the surroundings, particularly at night
    • Look for well-lighted ATMs when transacting at night
    • If you notice anything suspicious when approaching the ATM, return later or use another ATM
    • Have your transaction ready before you go to the ATM. When you can, fill out any deposit/withdrawal slips/envelopes before leaving your vehicle.
    • Have your ATM card ready to avoid going through your purse or searching through the contents of your wallet at the ATM site
    • If you notice anything suspicious while you are transacting business, immediately stop your transaction, put your ATM card away and leave.
    • Consider having another person accompany you to the ATM
    • Immediately report all crimes to the ATM operator and local law enforcement officials
    • Stand close to the ATM and away from others in line to avoid detection of your PIN or other account information
    • Put your cash away as soon as the transaction is complete; count the cash later in the safety of your vehicle or home
    • Never give information to strangers at the ATM or to anyone over the phone. Be aware of fraud or people who pose as Credit Union employees who try to get information. This information should only be discussed in person by you at the Credit Union
    • Remember to keep your PIN a secret. Make sure not to write it on your ATM card or anywhere else in your wallet; thieves can easily figure out the reason for hidden or secret numbers.

  • Additional disclosure applicable to audio response

    Transactions available
    You may use your audio response service to perform the following transactions:

    • Obtain account, and loan balances;
    • Obtain loan payment due date and pay off information;
    • Obtain last dividend, date and amount;
    • Obtain clearance of specific checks;
    • Request a check withdrawal from your savings, checking or Money Market Account;
    • Transfer funds between your savings, checking and Money Market account;
    • Access your line of credit account to request loan advances;
    • Transfer funds from your line of credit to your checking and savings accounts;
    • Make loan payments; and
    • Apply for a loan.

    All payments and deposits are subject to later verification by us.

    Limitations on transactions
    The maximum amount you may withdraw by check is $20,000 during any 24-hour period.

  • Additional disclosure applicable to Digital Banking services

    System requirements
    Digital Banking service allows convenient access to your account information 24 hours a day. To use Digital Banking, you must have a computer, modem, internet service, browser, your account number and a PIN or access code.

    Transactions available
    You may use your Digital Banking service to perform the following transactions:

    • Obtain account/loan balance information;
    • Obtain loan payment due date and payoff information;
    • Obtain last dividend, date and amount;
    • Obtain clearance of specific checks;
    • Request check withdrawals from your savings, checking or money market accounts;
    • Transfers funds between your savings, checking or line of credit;
    • Access your line of credit for loan advances by check;
    • Download transaction information to personal financial management software from your savings and checking accounts;
    • Make loan payments;
    • Pay bills through Bill Pay from your savings and checking accounts;
    • Apply for a loan;
    • Reorder checks, print statements, or change your password.

    Limitations on transactions
    The following are limitations to the use of the Credit Union’s Digital Banking service:

    • The maximum you may withdraw by check is $20,000 during any 24-hour period.

  • Additional disclosure applicable to Bill Pay services

    The Credit Union’s Bill Pay service is available to you under the guidelines described in this agreement and via the online enrollment disclosure. You authorize the Credit Union to debit your designated checking account(s) for any transactions processed through the use of our Bill Pay service, including all charges as shown within our Tarifas y Cargos associated with Bill Pay service. Requirements and your responsibilities for the use of this service are described below.

    System requirements
    To use Bill Pay, you must have a computer, modem, internet service, browser, your account number and a PIN or access code.

    Your payees
    Payee records are created by you and should include all the necessary data to make your payment, such as payee's name, address, phone number and account number.

    You may add and edit payees within the Bill Pay service. The Credit Union may update these records without any further notification to correct errors or update account information as provided by the payee in order to process your payment. Editing payees is limited to your personal information, such as the payee's nickname, account number, phone number, name on account, and payment category. The Credit Union is not responsible if you provide invalid, incomplete or incorrect payee information, which results in a bill payment that cannot be processed and/or is misrouted.

    The payee details will indicate the number of days required for processing. Payments made by check require a minimum of five business days for processing, and electronic payments require a minimum of two business days for processing.

    Scheduling a payment
    Payments can be scheduled to any payee from your checking account on any date shown on the Bill Pay system calendar as an available deliver-by date. The deliver-by date is the date the payee will receive payment. These dates are limited to Monday through Friday, excluding Federal Holidays.

    In order to ensure payments are received by the deliver-by date, payments are processed (but not charged to your account) two business days before the deliver-by date after 1pm PST for electronic payments. Payments made by check are processed five business days before the deliver-by date after 1pm PST. They are charged once the payee negotiates the issued check, which is drawn directly on the designated checking account. Please make sure you have available funds in your account at least four days prior to your selected deliver-by date, as the funds can clear as soon as your payee receives the check. The maximum payment amount is $9,999.99 per transaction.

    Bill payment withdrawals
    Scheduled electronic payments will be withdrawn from your account as early as 4am PST but no later than 9am PST on the deliver-by date you have specified.

    Check payments: The funds will be debited from your account when the payee receives and negotiates the check. We send out the check-up to five days before your delivery date.

    Note: To determine if a payment will be paid electronically or by check, locate the payment in the scheduled payments section of the main Bill Pay page and click the edit icon. Payment delivery will be displayed in the pop-up box next to the type.

    It is your responsibility to have sufficient funds for the payment to be processed. In the event you do not have sufficient funds, then you may be assessed an overdraft, Courtesy Pay or NSF fee as a result of these transactions as disclosed within our Tarifas y Cargos. The Credit Union may overdraft from your other share accounts, as applicable, according to the instructions you have given the Credit Union, if any if there are not sufficient funds in the designated checking account.

    Transactions available
    You may use our Bill Pay service to perform the following transactions:

    • Add/Edit payees: Payees refers to the entity to which you pay bills. The payee can be a company, organization, or individual. The add/edit payee feature allows you to add payees to, delete payees from or edit payee information on your personal list of payees.
    • Make nonrecurring payments from your checking: This feature allows you to schedule one-time payments to payees and enables you to specify the amount of the payment and the processing date.
    • Make recurring payments from your checking account: This feature allows you to schedule recurring payments to payees.
    • View history: View history permits you to see payments made over a specified time period.

    Limitations on transactions
    The following are limitations to the use of the Credit Union’s Bill Pay service:

    • The maximum transaction amount is $9,999.99 per payment.
    • Payments cannot be made for tax payments, DMV payments, court-ordered payments or payments to payees outside of the United States.
    • If you close the designated bill payment share draft/checking account, all scheduled payments will be stopped.
    • You cannot stop a payment if the payment has already been processed.
    • You can schedule payments 24 hours a day, seven days a week; however, payments scheduled on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday will be processed on the next business day.

    The Credit Union will not be held liable under any circumstances for payments made to any of the following:

    • Tax payments (IRS, Franchise Tax Board, Tax Assessor)
    • DMV payments
    • Court ordered payments
    • Security trade purchases
    • Child Support payments
    • Payments outside of the United States

    Methods and restrictions
    Payments are made to your payee either electronically via the Automated Clearing House (ACH) or by check or laser draft. The method of payment depends upon the processing method accommodated by the payee or by our bill payment service provider.

    It is important you take into consideration what method of bill payment will be used when scheduling bill payments to ensure payment deadlines are met. If the payee accepts electronic bill payment, the payment may take up to two business days to be delivered. If the payee does not accept electronic bill payment, the payment will be sent in a check form and may take up to five business days to be delivered. Expedited payment delivery options may be available for an additional charge. The bill pay system will display the expedited delivery date based on the payee payment method, either electronic or check. Refer to our Tarifas y Cargos for the cost of an expedited electronic and expedited check payment.

    This service may be revoked at any time by the Credit Union, and any payments scheduled may be canceled at any time without further notification in the event of misuse, fraud, and/or abuse. The Credit Union may restrict your account from scheduling further payments if you have scheduled payment and have insufficient funds in your account to cover the payment in the event you have a delinquent loan or if your account fails to comply with the guidelines specified in this disclosure.

    Editing or cancelling a pending payment
    You may edit or cancel any one-time or recurring pending payment via Bill Pay prior to the payment processing date. You may not edit or cancel a payment after the payment has been processed by our Bill Pay service provider.

    Cancelación de pago
    You may request a stop payment on a Bill Pay check if the check has not been negotiated. A stop payment fee will be charged to your account as stated within our Tarifas y Cargos.

    To place a stop payment call us at 800.866.6474 o Contáctenos through the website. If you call, we also require you to put your request in writing and get it to us within 14 days.

    eMail notifications
    An automated notification will be sent to the primary email address on file whenever any of the following take place:

    • A new payee is added or edited;
    • A payment was made;
    • An automatic payment is scheduled or cancelled; or
    • Your Bill Pay funding account is blocked.

    Member responsibilities You are responsible for:

    • data input of payee information (payment amount(s), name, address and any other pertinent information); you must allow sufficient time for payments to be processed so the funds can be delivered to the merchant on or before the due date;
    • any late payment, late fees, interest payments, and service fees charged by merchant(s) as a result of incorrect information or failing to schedule before the due date;
    • any overdraft, NSF or stop payment fees charged by the Credit Union as a result of these transactions;
    • maintaining a current, valid email address and review of email notifications;
    • reporting any inaccurate or suspicious activity to us by calling us during business hours at 800.866.6474 o Contáctenos through the website.

    Fee schedule
    Refer to our Tarifas y Cargos to see current fees.

  • Regulations related to wire (funds) transfers

    Applicable law
    This agreement and notice applies to funds transfers as defined in Article 4A of the Uniform Commercial Code and Subpart B of Regulation J of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

    Funds transfer cutoff time
    The Credit Union may establish or change cutoff times for the receipt and processing of funds transfer requests, amendments, or cancellations. Unless other times are posted for the various types of funds transfers, the cutoff time will be at 1pm PST on each weekday the Credit Union is open, excluding holidays. Payment orders, cancellations, or amendments received after the applicable cutoff time may be treated as having been received on the next funds transfer business day and processed accordingly.

    Service charges/fees
    The Credit Union may charge your account for the amount of any funds transfer initiated by you or by any person authorized by you as a joint tenant or other authorized party with the right of access to the account from which the funds transfer is to be made. Please refer to our Tarifas y Cargos for current fees.

    Security procedures
    The Credit Union may establish, from time to time, security procedures to verify the authenticity of a payment order. You will be notified of the security procedure, if any, to be used to verify payment orders issued by you or for which your account will be liable. You agree that the authenticity of payment orders may be verified using that security procedure unless you notify the Credit Union in writing that you do not agree to that security procedure. In that event, the Credit Union shall have no obligation to accept any payment order from you or other authorized parties on the account until you and the Credit Union agree, in writing, on an alternate security procedure.

    Use of Fedwires
    If you send or receive a wire transfer, Fedwire may be used. Regulation J will govern Fedwire transactions, except to the extent of a conflict between Regulation E and Regulation J with respect to remittance transfers, in which case, Regulation E shall govern.

    Identification of beneficiary
    If you give the Credit Union a payment order that identifies the beneficiary (recipient of the funds) by both name and account number, payment may be made by the beneficiary’s bank on the basis of the identifying or bank account number, even if the number identifies a person different than the named beneficiary. This means you will be responsible to the Credit Union if the funds transfer is completed on the basis of the identification number you provided the Credit Union.

    Identification of beneficiary and intermediary bank by number
    If you give the Credit Union a payment order that identifies an intermediary or beneficiary’s bank by both name and an identifying number, a receiving bank may rely on the number as the proper identification even if it identifies a different bank than the named bank. This means you will be responsible for any loss or expenses incurred by a receiving bank that executes or attempts to execute the payment order in reliance on the identifying number you provided.

    Provisional ACH payments
    The Credit Union may, at its discretion, give you credit for ACH payments before it receives the final settlement of the funds transfer. Any such credit is provisional until the Credit Union receives the final settlement of the payment. You are hereby notified and agree that if the Credit Union does not receive such final settlement, it is entitled to a refund from you of the amount credited to you in connection with that ACH entry. This means the Credit Union may provide you with access to ACH funds before the Credit Union actually receives the money. However, if the Credit Union does not receive the money, then the Credit Union may reverse the entry on your account, and you would be liable to repay the Credit Union.

    Notice of receipt of ACH funds
    ACH transactions are governed by the operating rules of the National Automated Clearing House Association. In accordance with these rules, the Credit Union will not provide you with next-day notice of receipt of ACH credit transfers to your account. You will continue to receive notices of receipt of ACH items in the periodic account statements which we provide.

    Receipt of incoming (non-ACH) funds transfers
    If the Credit Union receives a funds transfer for you or for other persons authorized to have access to your account, you agree that the Credit Union is not obligated to provide you with next-day notice of the receipt of the funds transfer. The Credit Union will provide you with notification of the receipt of all funds transfers by including such items in the periodic account statements that we provide. You may inquire between the receipt of periodic statements whether or not a specific funds transfer has been received.

    Payment of dividends or interest
    If the Credit Union becomes obligated under Article 4A to pay interest (or dividends) to you, you agree the rate of dividends or interest to be paid shall be equal to the dividend rate, on a daily basis, applicable to the account at the Credit Union to which the funds transfer should have been made or from which the funds transfer was made.

Your ability to withdraw funds

Our policy is to delay the availability of funds you deposit in your account. During the delay, you may not withdraw the funds in cash, and we will not use the funds to pay the checks you have written.

Determining the availability of a deposit
The length of the delay is counted in business days from the day of your deposit. Every day is a business day except Saturdays, Sundays, and federal holidays. If you make a deposit prior to the close of business on a business day we are open; we will consider that day to be the day of your deposit. A 24-hour hold will be placed on the deposit; if deemed necessary, a longer hold will apply.

However, if you deposit at the close of business or on a day we are not open, we will consider the deposit made on the next business day we are open. A 24-hour hold will be placed on the deposit; if deemed necessary, a longer hold will apply. All deposits made at a non-proprietary (not owned by the Credit Union) ATM will be made available for withdrawal by the fifth business day following the banking day of deposit. The length of the delay varies depending on the type of deposit and is explained below.

Same-day availability
Funds from electronic direct deposits to your account will be available on the day we receive the deposit.

Next-day availability
Funds from the following deposits are available on the first business day after the day of your deposit:

  • U.S. Treasury checks payable to you
  • wire transfers
  • checks drawn on RizeCU

If you make the deposit in person to one of our employees, funds from the following deposits are also available on the first business day after the day of your deposit:

  • cash
  • state and local government checks that are payable to you
  • cashier’s, certified, and teller’s checks that are payable to you
  • Federal Reserve Financial institution checks, Federal Home Loan Financial institution checks, and postal money orders, if these items are payable to you.

If you do not make your deposit in person to one of our employees (for example, if you mail the deposit), funds from these deposits will be available on the second business day after the day of your deposit.

Other check deposits
Funds from other check deposits will not be available until the second (2nd) business day after the day of your deposit.  The first $225 of your deposits, however, will be made available on the first business day.

Longer delays may apply
Funds you deposit by check may be delayed for a longer period under the following circumstances:

  • We believe a check you deposit will not be paid.
  • You deposit checks totaling more than $5,525 on any one day.
  • You redeposit a check that has been returned unpaid
  • You have overdrawn your account repeatedly in the last six months.
  • There is an emergency, such as a failure of communications or computer equipment.

We will notify you if we delay your ability to withdraw funds for any of these reasons and tell you when the funds will be available. They will generally be available no later than the seventh business day after the day of your deposit.

Special rules for new accounts
If you are a new member, the following special rules will apply during the first 30 days your account is open.

Funds from electronic direct deposits to your account will be available on the day we receive the deposit. Funds from deposits of cash, wire transfers, and the first $5,525 of a day’s total deposits of cashier’s, certified, teller’s, traveler’s, federal, state and local government checks and U.S. Postal money orders will be available on the first business day after the day of your deposit if the deposit meets certain conditions. For example, the checks must be payable to you (and you may have to use a special deposit slip). The excess over $5,525 will be available on the ninth business day after the day of your deposit. If your deposit of these checks (other than a U.S. Treasury check) is not made in person to one of our employees, the first $5,525 will not be available until the second business day after the day of your deposit.

Funds from all other check deposits will be available on the 9th business day after the day of your deposit.

Deposits at automated teller machines (ATMs)
Funds from any deposits (cash or checks) made at ATMs we do not own or operate may not be available until the fifth business day after the day of your deposit. This rule does not apply to ATMs we own or operate.

Important notice about your account(s) or safe deposit box – California residents
In accordance with California’s Unclaimed Property Law, C.C.P. §1500, et seq., any funds held by the Credit Union (including, without limitation, funds in a share, share draft, certificate, or other account, sums for the payment of cashier’s checks, teller’s checks, etc.) may be transferred to the Unclaimed Property Division of the California State Controller’s Office if no activity occurs in the account within the time period specified by state law. In addition, any property held in a Credit Union safe deposit box may be transferred upon the running of the time period specified by state law from the date any lease or rental period expires or any agreement for the safe deposit box terminates. We may assess a fee for sending you notice regarding your unclaimed property as set forth in our Fee Schedule.

Important notice about your account(s) or safe deposit box – Nevada residents
The holder(s) of this account shall inform the Credit Union of any change in their address(es).  The shares and accumulated dividends earned thereon will escheat to the Office of the State Treasurer if, for a period of three (3) years:

  1. There has been no account activity or
  2. There has been no written communication by you; or
  3. There has been no other communication with you noted in writing by the Credit Union.
  4. There has been no activity on any other accounts you have with the Credit Union.

In addition, any property held in a Credit Union safe deposit box may be transferred upon the running of the time period specified by state law from the date any lease or rental period expires or any agreement for the safe deposit box terminates.

General Terms & Conditions of your Credit Union accounts


  • Account Agreement means any savings, checking, term certificate, trust, Totten trust or UTMA account
  • TIS Agreement means Truth In Savings Agreement entitled, Membership Agreement & Disclosure

Membership application
The terms, conditions and information contained in the Membership Application, and all amendments thereto, are by this reference hereby incorporated in their entirety into this TIS Agreement and become an integral part of the General Terms & Conditions of the Credit Union accounts.

Account ownership
The ownership of trust, Totten trust and UTMA accounts shall be governed by the applicable Account Agreement. Unless otherwise specified in the Account Agreement, the parties who sign an Account Agreement agree with each other and with the Credit Union that all funds in the accounts shall be owned as follows:

  • Individual accounts: The account or certificate is owned by the party named on the Account Agreement (Accountholder). Upon the death of the party, ownership passes to the named pay-on-death payee(s), designated as the beneficiary(ies) on the Account Agreement.
  • Joint accounts: The account or certificate is owned by the parties named on the Account Agreement (Accountholders). Upon the death of any of them, ownership passes to the survivor(s). Upon the death of all of them, ownership passes to the named pay-on-death payee(s), designated as the beneficiary named on the Account Agreement.

Special rules for Joint Accounts

  • Withdrawals by and liability of Joint Owners – The Accountholders of an account agree with each other and with the Credit Union that all funds and all accumulations thereon are and will be owned by all Accountholders jointly and equally regardless of their net contributions and are subject to the withdrawal of or receipt by any of the Accountholders, and payment to any of them shall be valid and discharge the Credit Union from any and all liability for such payment. The Accountholders of an account expressly agree each Accountholder is jointly and severally liable for any and all overdrafts, losses or charges to an account created by any Accountholder(s).
  • Deposits – The Credit Union may cash or deposit all checks payable to any signer when endorsed by any other signer.
  • Disputes – If there is a dispute about ownership or control of an account, the Credit Union may place a hold on the account and not release funds until the Credit Union receives either a court order or an instruction signed by all persons claiming an interest in the account.

Special rules for Minor Accounts
Minor Accounts are joint accounts owned by the minor and a joint account owner who is at least 18 years of age. The adult joint account owner must be an existing member in good standing. Good standing is defined as a member who maintained an active account with a positive account history for the preceding six months regardless of when the account was opened. The Credit Union may complete transactions that may include payments of funds directly to the minor without regard to his or her minority. The Credit Union has no duty to inquire about the use or purpose of any transaction by the minor or joint owner. The Credit Union will not honor any transaction request by a parent or guardian who is not a joint account owner. In order for the minor to be allowed to make debits or withdrawals from the account, the minor must be issued a debit card and the joint owner must authorize a withdrawal amount limit. Once the minor reaches the age of majority, this restriction will be lifted.

Changes in Terms & Conditions
The use of an account is subject to such other terms, conditions and requirements as the Credit Union may establish from time to time. The Credit Union has the right to change the terms and conditions of this Agreement at any time, in any manner, and for any reason.  We may delete or modify existing terms. We may add new terms without regard to whether the matter is already addressed by this Agreement. We may offer new or different services at any time, and may convert an existing account or service into a new account or service.  We will generally notify you in advance of changes by sending written notice to your address as it appears on our records.  However, we may make changes without sending you advance notice, unless such notice is required by law. By continuing to use or keep your account open, you will be deemed to accept and agree to any such changes in terms.

Order of posting; understanding your available and actual balance
Order of Posting: The order in which items are paid is important if there is not enough money in your account to pay all of the items  presented. We will pay checks, automated debits (ACH), debit card transactions, ATM withdrawals and point-of-sale transactions in the order presented for payment to the Credit Union.

  • Multiple checks presented for payment on the same day will be posted in check number order (from the lowest check number to the highest check number).
  • For ACH transactions, deposits are credited before withdrawals are debited by settlement date, in the order received from the Federal Reserve.
  • For ATM Card and debit card transactions, items are posted in the order presented for payment, which may vary from the order the transaction was authorized. We will not charge a fee if your debit card transaction was authorized when there was a sufficient available balance in your account.

The Credit Union reserves the right to adjust the above processing times in its sole discretion.

Actual and Available Balances:  To properly manage the money in your account and avoid Courtesy Pay (overdraft) and Non-sufficient Fund Fees (NSF), it is important that you understand the difference between your “actual balance” and your “available balance”  Your “actual balance” is updated throughout the day as transactions are posted to your account. The actual balance will not reflect or include any pending, un-posted authorized transactions, merchant holds. Your “available balance” is the amount in your account at a particular time that is available for immediate withdrawal. Your available balance is updated throughout the day to reflect merchant holds and pending debit transactions. The difference between your actual balance and your available balance is the result of pending activity that has not yet posted to the account (for example, any “pending” debit card merchant withdrawals authorized for payment and deposits that have a hold and are not available for immediate withdrawal). We will use the “available balance” in your account to determine if you have sufficient funds to cover your transactions. You can determine your available balance at the ATM, by phone or by accessing your account with Digital Banking.

You understand you may be overdrawn even when your actual balance is positive. You also understand that you may still overdraw your account even though the available balance appears to show there are sufficient funds to cover a transaction that you wish to make because your available balance will not reflect all of your outstanding checks, automatic bill payments or recent deposits. In addition, a debit card transaction may cause your account to be overdrawn if the available balance is not sufficient at the time of posting even if the available balance was sufficient at the time it was authorized. Also note, your available balance may not reflect all of your pending debit card transactions if an authorization hold is released prior to the transaction being presented for payment. For example, if a merchant obtains your prior authorization but does not submit a one-time debit card transaction for payment within two (2) business days of authorization (or for up to thirty (30) business days for certain types of debit card transactions), we are required to release the authorization hold on the transaction. The available balance will not reflect this transaction once the hold has been released until the transaction has been received by us and paid from your account. You must keep careful records and practice good account management to avoid making transactions without sufficient funds available for withdrawal. For additional details on the availability of your funds for withdrawal, see the section entitled “Your Ability to Withdraw Funds.” If you have additional questions about your available or actual balance, please see a branch representative or call 800.866.6474.

Example 1: If you write a check for $25 but it has not yet cleared your account, your available balance will be $25 less than what is reflected by your actual balance.

Example 2: If you authorize a debit card transaction for $30 but it has not yet posted to your account, your available balance will be $30 less than what is reflected by your actual balance.

Example 3: The following transactions are not reflected in your available balance:

  • Any checks you have written that have not yet been presented for payment.
  • Any automatic bill payments you have scheduled that have not yet been sent.
  • Any debit card transactions where the authorization hold has been released but the transaction has not yet been submitted to the Credit Union.

Authorization holds for debit card transactions
When you make a purchase with your Debit Card without entering your PIN, the merchant or other payee may seek our prior authorization and guarantee of payment for the transaction. If we authorize the transaction, we place a temporary hold for the authorized amount in the account linked to your Debit Card. We refer to this temporary hold as an “authorization hold,” and the amount of the authorization hold will be subtracted from your available balance (generally in real time as transactions are received by us throughout each day). The Credit Union will not authorize everyday Debit Card transaction amounts that exceed your current available balance unless you have asked us to do so.

The amount of an authorization hold may differ from the actual transaction amount because the actual transaction amount may not yet be known to the merchant when the authorization request is submitted. Examples include, at-the-pump fuel purchases where the authorization occurs prior to fuel being pumped, restaurant purchases where the authorization occurs prior to the addition of a gratuity, or hotel or rental car transactions where the authorization is for an estimated amount prior to check-out. For those transactions, there may be no authorization hold, or the amount of the authorization hold may be different from the transaction amount. In some other cases we may not receive an authorization request from the merchant, and there will be no authorization hold reflected in your available balance.

We place authorization holds for up to two (2) business days (or for up to thirty (30) business days for certain types of Debit Card transactions) from the time of the authorization. If the transaction is not submitted for payment by the merchant within the specified time period, we must release the authorization hold, which will increase your available balance until the transaction is submitted for payment by the merchant and it is posted to your account. We urge you to record and track all of your transactions closely to confirm that you will not overdraw your account by spending funds that are not available to you.

The Credit Union is under no obligation to pay an item (such as a check, ACH, ATM and Debit Card transactions) which exceeds the available balance in an account; the Credit Union may, however, pay an item and recover or obtain a refund of the amount of the resulting overdraft plus a fee, (see our Tarifas y Cargos) from any of the accountholders of this account, each of whom expressly agrees that each accountholder is jointly and severally liable for any and all overdrafts of this account and any and all associated costs created by any accountholder. When an item is returned unpaid due to insufficient available funds and not covered by the Courtesy Pay Program (see For Checking Accounts with Courtesy Pay), or when an authorized debit card transaction is paid that exceeds your available balance, including your Courtesy Pay limit if applicable, at the time it is presented for payment, you will be charged a Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) fee, as stated in our Tarifas y Cargos.

Notice to one accountholder shall constitute notice to all persons authorized to have access to the account.

Ability to pledge funds
Any or all of the joint accountholders may pledge all or any part of the funds as security for a loan or loans with the Credit Union only.

Financial abuse reporting
Accountholder(s) understand(s) and agree(s) that the Credit Union may report known or suspected illegal or fraudulent activity including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Financial abuse involving an elder or dependent adult;
  • Where the ownership or collectability of funds are subject to dispute; or
  • Misuse or abuse of account services;

to appropriate law enforcement or government entities, as required or permitted by law.  In addition, the Credit Union reserves the right to suspend, restrict, deny or terminate account services and activity, including the placement of an administrative hold (freeze) on account proceeds, or take such other actions as deemed necessary under the circumstances. Accountholder(s) agree(s) to indemnify and hold the credit union harmless from and against all claims, actions, damages, losses, and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, as a result of any action or inaction taken in relation to the matters described here.

Enforcement of liens
All funds in an account remain subject to any and all liens, including but not limited to statutory liens and/or consensual liens, security interests, rights of offset and charges, notwithstanding the source of the contribution.

Notification of changes
Each accountholder agrees to promptly notify us in writing of any change in address(es). If you fail to do so, we may send notices, statements or other important information to the address shown in our records and you agree to release us from any liability for doing so. You also agree to notify us in writing of any change in ownership or authorized signers, or if an owner or authorized signer dies or is placed under legal guardianship or conservatorship. We may, at our option, require a new Account Agreement to be completed before any such change takes effect. Any such changes shall not affect transactions previously made.

Consent to contact
You agree we and/or our third-party debt collectors may contact you by phone or text message at any phone number associated with your account, including mobile numbers (i.e., cellphone numbers) which could result in charges to you, in order to service your account, prevent fraud or collect any amounts owed to us, excluding any contacts for advertising and telemarketing purposes as prescribed by law. You further agree methods of contact may include use of prerecorded or artificial voice messages, and/or use of an automatic dialing device. You may withdraw the consent to be contacted at your mobile phone number(s) at any time by calling 800.866.6474, Contáctenos through our website or by any other reasonable means. If you have provided or provide a mobile number(s) to us in connection with your accounts, or any of them, you represent and agree you are the wireless subscriber or customary user with respect to the mobile number(s) provided and have the authority to give this consent. Furthermore, you agree to notify us of any change to the mobile number(s) which you provide to us. You agree to indemnify us and our third-party debt collectors, and hold us and our third-party debt collectors harmless, from and against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities, costs or expenses (including any attorneys’ fees) that arise out your breach of any of the foregoing representations and agreements.

Waiver of certain rights
The Credit Union reserves the right to waive the enforcement of any of the provisions of this TIS Agreement with respect to any transaction or series of transactions. Any such waiver will not affect the right of the Credit Union to enforce any of its rights with respect to later transactions and is not sufficient to modify the terms and conditions of this TIS Agreement.

Consumer reports
The Credit Union makes credit available to its members on a regular basis. The applicant(s)/accountholder(s) of the account authorizes the Credit Union to obtain consumer reports in connection with credit and business transactions involving the applicant(s)/accountholder(s), including but not limited to applying for membership, the opening of a savings or share/draft account or the issuance of an ATM Card, Debit Card, or other service provided by the Credit Union, and the applicant(s)/accountholder(s) of the account authorize any person, association, or corporation to furnish on request of this Credit Union, information concerning the affairs of the applicant(s)/accountholder(s). The applicant(s)/accountholder(s) also authorizes the Credit Union to furnish information concerning the account to consumer reporting agencies.

Negative credit reporting
We may report information about your account to credit bureaus. Late payments, missed payments, or other defaults on your account may be reflected in your credit report.

Reporting inaccurate information
If you believe the Credit Union is reporting inaccurate information to a credit reporting agency, please Contáctenos through our website.

Post-dated checks
The Credit Union will treat all checks as though the checks were written on the date presented.

Examination of statements
The accountholder(s) to whom the periodic statement of account is sent agree(s) to exercise reasonable care and promptness in examining the statement to discover any errors or discrepancies, and to promptly notify the Credit Union after discovery thereof.

Non-cash payments
Non-cash payments deposited into an account may be credited subject to final payment.

Fees and charges
All accounts shall be subject to service charges in accordance with fee schedules adopted by the Credit Union as amended from time to time.

Attorneys’ fees
You agree to pay the Credit Union all of our costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees, including all collection costs, litigation costs, skip-tracing fees, and outside services fees incurred while we are enforcing our rights under this Agreement.

Credit Union’s right to offset
Accountholder(s) agrees that the Credit Union has the right to offset against any account of any accountholder to cover any amount owing to the Credit Union for any reason. Accountholder(s) understand that this means that the Credit Union has the right to impress and enforce a statutory lien against the accountholder(s’)’s shares and dividends in the event of the failure of the accountholder(s) to satisfy any financial obligation due and payable to the Credit Union. Accountholder(s) understand that the Credit Union may enforce this right without further notice.

The above-described right to offset shall not apply with respect to any written trust instrument or custodial agreement created or organized in the United States and forming part of a tax-advantaged savings plan which qualifies or qualified for specific tax treatment under sections 223, 401(d), 408, 408A and 530 of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. 223, 401(d), 408, 408A and 530).

Governing law
This TIS Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, including the  Uniform Commercial Code (UCC).

Savings Account Agreement

  • Transfer to third parties

    No more than six preauthorized, automatic, online or telephonic transfers made to another account at the Credit Union or to a third party or no more than six transfers or withdrawals made by check, draft, debit card or similar order payable to a third party may be made from each savings account or money market deposit account in any calendar month. Suppose an accountholder exceeds, or attempts to exceed, these transfer limits. In that case, the excess transfer requests may be refused or reversed, a fee may be imposed on the excess transfer requests, and the Credit Union may reclassify or close the account. Transfers initiated by telephone must be counted among the six-monthly transfers, except that there are no limits on the number of withdrawals paid directly to an account holder when initiated by mail, telephone or messenger. There are no limits on the number of withdrawals if initiated in person.

  • Withdrawal, prior to notice requirement

    The Credit Union reserves the right to require prior written notice of intention to withdraw all or any part of savings not to exceed the notice requirement as set forth in the Credit Union’s bylaws.

Term Certificate Account Agreement

  • Pledging of funds

    Term certificates may not be pledged, transferred, or assigned to any party other than the Credit Union unless otherwise provided by statute. Savings invested for an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) or Keogh Plan may not be pledged as security for any loan. The Credit Union reserves the right to offset this certificate except as otherwise precluded by law. If the Credit Union offsets funds from this certificate, the funds withdrawn are subject to the early withdrawal penalty.

Checking Account Agreement

  • Withdrawals, approved methods

    Only checks and other methods approved by the Credit Union may be used to withdraw funds from a checking account.

  • Electronic check conversion

    Upon prior notification from the merchant to the Account Holder, a purchase made with a check can be converted to a one-time electronic fund transfer (EFT) if authorized by the Account Holder. The Account Holder may also authorize merchants to debit the account for returned check fees electronically. It is agreed that the Account Holder authorizes the electronic funds transfers if the transaction is completed after being told (orally or by a notice posted) that the transfer may be processed electronically or if the Account Holder signs a written authorization.

  • Demand checks

    The Credit Union may pay and charge to the applicable checking account, checks drawn by and payable to any person, organization, association or corporation that has been authorized by an Account Holder to be paid by the provision of MICR encoded information on the account. It is agreed that the Credit Union’s rights with respect to such checks shall be the same as if it were a check drawn and signed by an Account Holder(s) personally. This authority shall remain in effect until revoked by an Account Holder in writing. It is agreed that the Credit Union shall be fully protected in honoring such checks. It is further agreed that if any such check is dishonored, whether with or without cause, and whether intentionally or inadvertently, the Credit Union shall incur no liability whatsoever, even though such dishonor results in the forfeit of insurance, loss or damage of any kind.

  • Stale-dated checks

    The Credit Union is under no obligation but may pay a check which is presented more than six months after it is dated. The Credit Union may assess a special handling charge upon receipt of any such item in addition to a service charge upon the account in accordance with the fee schedules adopted by the Credit Union and as amended from time to time.

  • Stop payments

    Any Account Holder(s) of this account may stop payment of any item drawn against the account. The Stop Payment Order must describe the item with reasonable certainty. It must be received in such time and manner as to afford the Credit Union a reasonable opportunity to act upon it. A Stop Payment Order is effective for six months, but it lapses after 14 calendar days if the original order was oral and was not confirmed in writing within that 14-day period. The Stop Payment Order may be renewed in writing for an additional six month period. Written confirmation is not required if the Account Holder submits a Stop Payment Order through one of the available electronic services.

  • Truncation of checks

    The Account Holder(s) acknowledges that checks are truncated and hereby waives any and all rights to receive the items without prejudice to any of the Credit Union’s defenses available under the California Uniform Commercial Code (UCC).

  • Liability of the Credit Union

    Except for its own lack of good faith or failure to exercise ordinary care, the Credit Union is not liable for any action it takes regarding the payment or nonpayment of a check, even if nonpayment results in the forfeit of insurance, loss or damage of any kind.

  • Closure of account

    The Credit Union may close a checking account at any time. Closure of a checking account will not affect the obligation to pay any outstanding balances or charges owed.

  • For checking accounts with savings overdraft protection

    If any Account Holder(s) writes a check that would result in this Checking Account being overdrawn, the Credit Union is authorized to charge the designated share account(s), regardless of which party signed the item, in such multiples as determined by the Credit Union sufficient to permit the Credit Union to honor the check and any associated fees and to credit such charge to this Checking Account. No checking overdraft may be paid by charging a savings account if, as a result of such charge, that share account would be subject in any one month to more than six pre-authorized, automatic or telephonic transfers.

  • For checking accounts with loan overdraft protection

    If any Account Holder(s) writes a check which would result in this Checking Account being overdrawn, and if at that time any Account Holder(s) is eligible to receive loan advances from this Credit Union on a loan designated on the Overdraft Agreement, the Credit Union is authorized to make an advance from the designated loan account, and to credit the advance to this Checking Account in such multiples as determined by the Credit Union sufficient to permit the Credit Union to honor such check and any associated fees.

  • For checking accounts with Courtesy Pay

    The Credit Union recognizes that sometimes you may overdraw your checking account. In such cases, the Credit Union may decide to honor transactions for which there are insufficient funds. This is the Credit Union’s Courtesy Pay Program. The Credit Union provides the Courtesy Pay Program as an accommodation to you and is not obligated to do so, even when it has done so in the past. You do not need to apply for this service.

    To be eligible for the Courtesy Pay Program, the member must meet all of the following criteria:

    • Must be a member in good standing (defined below);
    • Must be age 18 or over;
    • Cannot be delinquent on any loans with the Credit Union beyond 15 days; and
    • Account must not be a Fresh Start Checking or a BankOn Checking.

    A member will be considered to be in good standing if the member has complied with all of their agreements with the credit union, has not caused the credit union a financial loss, and whose account does not have excessive overdrafts (as determined in the credit union’s sole discretion), or any levies, garnishments, and/or derogatory ChexSystems records. If you are not in good standing or, Courtesy Pay services may be revoked.

    Description of service
    When these qualifications are met, the Credit Union may automatically honor overdrafts, including checks, automated debits (ACH), bill payments and recurring debit card transactions (examples: transactions for gym memberships and movie subscriptions). Transactions covered by Courtesy Pay are subject to a Courtesy Pay Fee as stated in the Schedule of Fees and Charges. Transactions not covered by Courtesy Pay that exceed your available balance are subject to a Return Item or Non-Sufficient Fund (NSF) fee. Unless the Credit Union currently has your affirmative consent (opt-in) on file, we will not approve your overdrafts for everyday debit card transactions (examples: transactions for restaurants, gas or groceries). You must tell us you want overdraft coverage for these transactions. To request overdraft coverage for your everyday debit card transactions, call 800.866.6474 o Contáctenos through the website. Complete and sign the Courtesy Pay Election Form, which is provided with this disclosure, and return it to any Credit Union branch or mail it to us at the address stated above. The Credit Union will provide you with written confirmation of your opt-in choice.

    When an overdraft is covered, the account will be taken negative by the dollar amount of the overdraft plus the amount of the Courtesy Pay fee as stated in the Credit Union’s Fee Schedule. If we honor multiple overdrafts, we may honor them in any order at the Credit Union’s option or return any such items. Courtesy Pay limits are:

    • $100 automatic limit; if there are no electronic direct deposits through ACH or payroll direct deposit

    Higher limits may be assigned based on if the account receives an electronic direct deposit through ACH or payroll direct deposit. The Courtesy Pay limit is based on the amount of the highest direct deposit received in the last 35 days.

    • $300 limit with an electronic deposit of $300, up to $499
    • $500 limit with an electronic deposit of $500, up to $749
    • $700 limit with an electronic deposit of $750, up to $999
    • $900 limit with an electronic deposit of $1000, up to $1299
    • $1100 limit with an electronic deposit of $1300, up to $1599
    • $1300 limit with an electronic deposit of $1600, up to $1899
    • $1500 limit with an electronic deposit of $1900, up to $2199
    • $1700 limit with an electronic deposit of $2200, up to $2499
    • $2000 limit with an electronic deposit of $2500, up to $2999
    • $2500 limit with an electronic deposit of $3000 or more

    When the Credit Union honors overdraft items, you must deposit funds immediately, but in no case more than 30 days from the date any notice is sent to you. If you fail to cover the total overdraft amount within 30 days, the Credit Union may pursue all collection options available to it. The Credit Union may but is not obligated to, transfer funds from your other accounts with us to cover the overdraft.

    The Courtesy Pay Program fee is a flat fee charged regardless of the amount the account is overdrawn and will be charged for each overdraft item presented and paid by the Credit Union. The charge for Courtesy Pay Service is described within our Tarifas y Cargos.

    The Courtesy Pay Program service is a discretionary privilege offered to members and not a right of membership. The Credit Union encourages you to properly maintain your accounts with us. You agree that the Credit Union will not be held liable for either paying or refusing to pay any overdraft item. The Credit Union reserves the right to discontinue this service at any time without any notice.

    If you do not want the Courtesy Pay Program or want to make changes to your coverage, you must inform the Credit Union by contacting us in the manner most convenient to you. You may make changes at any time by:

    Notice regarding NSF fees
    When an item is returned unpaid due to insufficient available funds and not covered by the Courtesy Pay Program, you will be charged a Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) fee, as stated in our Tarifas y Cargos. If multiple items are returned unpaid due to insufficient available funds on the same day, you will be charged an NSF fee for each returned item. The same item may be presented for payment more than once, and you will be charged an NSF fee each time that item is presented and returned due to insufficient available funds.

    We pay overdrafts at our discretion, which means we do not guarantee that we will always, or ever, authorize and pay them. We are not obligated to pay any item presented for payment against your account if the available balance in your account is insufficient to cover the item. If we overdraw your account to pay for items on one or more occasions, we are not obligated to continue paying for future insufficient funds items. We may pay all, some, or none of your overdrafts without notice to you. If we do not authorize and pay an overdraft, then we decline or return the transaction unpaid.

E-Sign Disclosure & Consent

E-Sign Disclosure & Consent

E-Sign Act

The Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (E-Sign Act) allows Rize Federal Credit Union (RizeCU) to provide you with documents or communications in electronic form rather than on paper if you consent after we have provided you with the following information.

Your consent for electronic delivery of documents or communications

By clicking the “I Agree” button and completing the online membership application, you agree you have reviewed the applicable disclosures and provided consent to conduct business with RizeCU using electronic communications.

You consent to receive the following information electronically rather than by postal mail or in person:

  • All related account disclosures required by applicable federal and state law for the deposit product(s) you have selected;
  • Information and instructions about any additional services you select during the application process.
  • You authorize us to provide any notice, form, or disclosure to you in electronic format on an ongoing basis by posting the disclosure for you to view here on our website or by sending an electronic copy to the primary account holder’s email.

If you do not agree or consent to receiving an electronic copy of the related account disclosures, agreements and instructions, we will not be able to open the deposit account(s) online. Instead, you may visit any of our branches to open an account.

Scope of your consent

Your consent to receive documents or communications electronically applies only to communications regarding your request for membership and your new account application.

Note: Consenting to receive documents or communications electronically under this E-Sign Disclosure & Consent does not authorize electronic delivery of periodic statements. You must agree to the E-Sign Disclosure & Consent for eStatements in Banca digital to receive periodic statements electronically.

Method of providing documents and communications to you in electronic form

All documents or communications may be viewed electronically on this website and saved by:

  • Printing paper copies; or
  • Storing the hyperlink on your computer.

In addition, we may deliver documents or communications to you by sending the document or communication to an email address you have provided us or, to the extent permissible by law, by providing access to a website we will generally designate in advance for such purpose; or any other electronic means we have mutually agreed upon. Delivery of electronic documents or communications by any of these methods will be considered “in writing” and have the same legal effect as written paper documents or communications.

Your right to receive paper copies

You may obtain a copy of any document or communication in paper form upon request, in addition to access to the document or communication in electronic form.

To receive a paper copy of any document or communication, you may call us at 800.866.6474 or write to us at PO Box 8017, El Monte, CA 91734. The copy request must contain your account number, name, contact phone number, and a description of the document or communication requested. It must also be signed by you. You will not be charged a copy fee for any document or communication. 

RizeCU may always, in our sole discretion, provide you with any documents or communication via paper, even if you have chosen to receive it electronically.

Hardware and software requirements

In order to receive and save any document or communication electronically, you must have:

  • A computer, mobile device, or other electronic device with internet access;
  • A secure internet browser with 128-bit encryption;
  • A program that reads and displays PDF files, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader; and
  • An active email address. 

To print and save your document or communication in electronic form using your computer, you will need:

  • A Printer (to print paper copies); and
  • A hard drive or other storage device (to download and save electronic copies). 

To print and save your document or communication in electronic form using your mobile or electronic device, you will need:

  • A printer capable of printing the screenshots on your mobile or electronic device (to print paper copies); and
  • An electronic device capable of taking a screenshot that can be printed (to save electronic copies). 

Changes to hardware and /or software requirements

You will be notified of any changes to the hardware and/or software requirements that may create a material risk, and you will not be able to receive, view, print, or save a document or communication.

You must keep your email address and/or mobile phone number current with RizeCU

You are responsible for informing RizeCU of any change in your email address or mobile phone number. You can update your contact information by calling us at 800.866.6474

Privacy Policies

Política de privacidad

FactsWhat do we do with your personal information?
Why?Financial companies choose how they share your personal information. Federal law gives consumers the right to limit some but not all sharing. Federal law also requires us to tell you how we collect, share, and protect your personal information. Please read this notice carefully to understand how we handle user privacy.
What?The types of personal information we collect and share depend on the products or services you have with us. This information can include your Social Security number and income, account balances and payment history, and credit history and credit scores. When you are no longer our customer, we continue to share your information as described in this notice.
How?All financial companies need to share members’ personal information to run their everyday business. In the section below, we list the reasons financial companies can share their members’ personal information; the reasons RizeCU chooses to share; and whether you can limit this sharing.
Reasons we can share your personal informationDoes RizeCU Share?Can you limit this sharing?
For our everyday business purposes – such as to process your transactions, maintain your account(s), respond to court orders and legal investigations, or report to credit bureausNo
For our marketing purposes – to offer our products and services to youNo
For joint marketing with other financial companiesNoNO
For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes – information about your transactions and experiencesNo
For our affiliates’ everyday business purposes – information about your creditworthinessNoNo
For our affiliates to market to youNoNo
For nonaffiliates to market to youNosNo
What we do
How does RizeCU protect my personal information?To protect your personal information from unauthorized access and use, we use security measures that comply with federal law. The measures include computer safeguards and secured files and buildings.
How does RizeCU collect my personal information?We collect your personal information, for example, when you open an account or deposit money, pay your bills or apply for a loan, and use your credit or debit card. We also collect your personal information from others, such as credit bureaus, affiliates, or other companies.
Why can’t I limit all sharing?Federal law gives you the right to limit only sharing for affiliates’ everyday business purposes – information about your creditworthiness, affiliates from using your information to market to you, sharing for nonaffiliates to market to you, and State laws and individual companies may give you additional rights to limit sharing.
AffiliatesCompanies related by common ownership or control. They can be financial and nonfinancial companies. RizeCU’s affiliates include financial companies such as Community Mortgage Funding and Member Advantage Insurance Services.
NonaffiliatesCompanies not related by common ownership or control. They can be financial and nonfinancial companies. RizeCU does not share with nonaffiliates so they can market to you.
Joint marketingA formal agreement between nonaffiliated financial companies that together market financial products or services to you. RizeCU does not jointly market.

California Consumer Privacy Act

Effective June 2023

Your rights under the CCPA as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020

If you are a California resident, you have the following rights under the CCPA:

  1. The right to know what personal information we have collected about you, including:
    1. The categories of personal information we have collected;
    2. The categories of sources from which the personal information is collected;
    3. The business or commercial purpose(s) for collecting, selling, or sharing your personal information; and
    4. The specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you;
  2. The right to delete personal information we have collected from you, subject to some exceptions;
  3. The right to correct the inaccurate personal information we maintain about you;
  4. If we sell or share your personal information with third parties, the right to opt-out of the sale or sharing of your personal information by the Credit Union;
  5. If we use or disclose your sensitive personal information other than for reasons set forth in Section 7027(m) of the Regulations implementing the CCPA, you have the right to limit our use or disclosure of your sensitive personal information and
  6. The right not to receive discriminatory treatment by the Credit Union for the exercise of privacy rights conferred by the CCPA, including an employee’s, applicant’s, or independent contractor’s right not to be retaliated against for the exercise of their CCPA rights.

However, as a financial institution, the CCPA is not applicable if the information we collect, share, or sell is subject to the federal Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and its implementing regulations and/or the California Financial Information Privacy Act. Generally speaking, this means we are not required to comply with the CCPA if the information we collected is information that:

  1. You provided to us to obtain a product or service from the Credit Union;
  2. We collected about you resulting from any transaction involving a product or service between you and the Credit Union; or
  3. The Credit Union otherwise obtained about you in connection with providing a product or service to you.

Nevertheless, the Credit Union takes the privacy and security of your personal information seriously and, even though the CCPA may not be applicable to us in most cases, we will honor your rights described in this CCPA Privacy Policy except in the event of a conflict with applicable state or federal law, another exception to the CCPA applies, or complying with your request would be impossible or require disproportionate effort.

The categories of personal information we have collected about California consumers in the preceding 12 months

1IdentifiesA real name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address, account name, or other similar identifiers
2Personal information categories listed in the California Customer Records statute (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e))A name, signature, Social Security number, physical characteristics or description, address, telephone number, passport number, driver’s license or state identification card number, insurance policy number, education, employment, employment history, bank account number, credit card number, debit card number, or any other financial information, medical information, or health insurance information. Some personal information included in this category may overlap with other categories.
3Protected classification characteristics under California or federal lawAge (40 years or older), race, color, ancestry, national origin, citizenship, religion or creed, marital status, medical condition, physical or mental disability, sex (including gender, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy or childbirth and related medical conditions), sexual orientation, veteran or military status, genetic information (including familial genetic information).
4Commercial informationRecords of personal property, products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies.
5Biometric informationGenetic, physiological, behavioral, and biological characteristics, or activity patterns used to extract a template or other identifier or identifying information, such as, fingerprints, faceprints, and voiceprints, iris or retina scans, keystroke, gait, or other physical patterns, and sleep, health, or exercise data.
6Internet or other similar network activityBrowsing history, search history, information on a consumer’s interaction with a website, application, or advertisement.
7Geolocation dataPhysical location or movements.
8Sensory dataAudio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information.
9Professional or employment-related informationCurrent or past job history or performance evaluations.
10Non-public education information (per the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. Section 1232g, 34 C.F.R. Part 99))Education records directly related to a student maintained by an educational institution or party acting on its behalf, such as grades, transcripts, class lists, student schedules, student identification codes, student financial information, or student disciplinary records.No
11Inferences drawn from other personal informationProfile reflecting a person’s preferences, characteristics, psychological trends, predispositions, behavior, attitudes, intelligence, abilities, and aptitudes.No

The categories of sources from which we collect personal information about California consumers

We obtain the categories of personal information listed in the Table above from the following categories of sources:

  • Directly from you. For example, from forms you complete, when you apply for membership, perform transactions, or when you purchase products or services.
  • Indirectly from you. For example, from observing your actions on our Website and your use of applications on your mobile device (such as when and how you have connected to our Website, and your device and/or browser may automatically disclose information such as device type, operating system, browser type, IP address, Internet service provider, pages you visit before and after visiting our Website, the date and time of your visit, information about the links you click and pages you view on our Website, other standard server log information, and we may also collect your mobile device’s GPS signal or other information about nearby Wi-Fi access points and cell towers), when you use your debit or credit card, when you make deposits or withdrawals to/from your accounts, or when you pay your bills.
  • From third parties. We also receive information from third parties, such as credit reporting agencies, government agencies, law enforcement authorities, or service providers. 

The specific business or commercial purposes for which we collect personal information about California consumers

  • To fulfill or meet the reason the consumer provided the information. For example, if you share your name and contact information with us to request a rate quote, to ask a question about our products or services, or to process a transaction, we will use that personal information to respond to your request or question and to process your transactions, accordingly. We may also save your information to facilitate new transactions in the future. We also use your information for customer service and collections purposes and for ongoing account maintenance purposes, such as providing account statements, providing access to online banking, and providing account notifications.
  • To provide, support, personalize, and develop our Website, products, and services.
  • To offer products and/or services we believe may be of interest.
  • To create, maintain, customize, and secure accounts with us.
  • To process requests, purchases, transactions, and payments, and to prevent transactional fraud.
  • To provide support and to respond to inquiries, including to investigate and address concerns and monitor and improve our responses.
  • To personalize Website experiences and to deliver content and product and service offerings relevant to consumer’s interests, including targeted offers and ads through our Website, third-party sites, and via email or text message (with consent, where required by law).
  • To help maintain the safety, security, and integrity of our Website, our products and services, our databases and other technology assets, and the Credit Union.
  • To prevent fraud by monitoring activity to detect, investigate, and prevent potentially fraudulent transactions and other illegal activities, as well as to protect the rights and property of the Credit Union and our members.
  • For testing, research, analysis, and product development, including to develop and improve our Website, products, and services.
  • To respond to law enforcement requests and as required by applicable law, court order, or governmental regulations.
  • As described when we collect personal information or as otherwise set forth in the CCPA.
  • For our business purposes, such as to evaluate or conduct a merger, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution, or other sale or transfer of some or all of our assets, whether as a going concern or as part of a liquidation or similar proceeding, in which personal information held by us about our members and Website users/consumers is among the assets transferred.
  • To support our operations and to comply with applicable legal or regulatory requirements.
  • To communicate with consumers via any means (including email, telephone, text message, or in person) about products, services, and events offered by the Credit Union and others, as well as to provide news and information we think will be of interest.
  • To respond to consumers’ comments, questions, and customer service requests, as well as to send members support notices, updates, security alerts, and administrative messages (such as changes to our terms, conditions, and policies).
  • To monitor and analyze trends, usage, and activities in connection with our products and services.
  • To audit the quality and efficacy of our work for compliance, controls, and other risk management.
  • To improve our products and services by identifying issues with existing products and services, enhancing existing products and services, and creating new products and services.

We will not collect additional categories of personal information or use the personal information we collected for materially different, unrelated, or incompatible purposes without providing notice.

The categories of personal information, if any, we have sold or shared to third parties in the preceding 12 months

Please note the CCPA defines “selling” and “sharing” personal information differently than you might expect. Under the CCPA, (1) “selling” and “sharing” personal information means selling or sharing personal information to a “third party” and (2) the term “third party” does not include our service providers or contractors when we have a written contract in place with such service providers or contractors that meet certain requirements set forth in the CCPA. This means our service providers and contractors are not considered “third parties” for CCPA purposes.

With the above in mind, we have not sold or shared consumers’ personal information with third parties (other than our service providers or contractors) in the previous 12 months. 

The categories of personal information, if any, we have disclosed for business purposes to third parties in the preceding 12 months

We have not disclosed consumer’s personal information to third parties (other than our service providers or contractors) for a business purpose in the preceding 12 months.

Additional CCPA required disclosures we are required to make available to you under the CCPA

We have no actual knowledge that we sell or share the personal information of consumers under 16 years of age. The Credit Union does not use or disclose sensitive personal information for purposes other than specified in Section 7027(m) of the CCPA Regulations.

The role of cookies and other online tracking technologies

We, or our service providers, and other companies we work with may deploy and use cookies, web beacons, local shared objects and other tracking technologies for various purposes, such as fraud prevention and to promote our products and services to you. Some of these tracking tools may detect characteristics or settings of the specific device you use to access our online services.

Clear GIFs, pixel tags or web beacons – which are typically one-pixel, transparent images located on a webpage or in an email or other message – or similar technologies may be used on our sites and in some of our digital communications (such as email or other marketing messages). They may also be used when served advertisements, or you otherwise interact with advertisements outside of our online services. These are principally used to help recognize users, assess traffic patterns and measure engagement.

“First party” cookies are stored by the domain (website) you are visiting directly. They allow the website’s owner to collect analytics data, remember language settings, and perform useful functions that help provide a good experience. “Third-party” cookies are created by domains other than the one you are visiting directly, hence the name third-party. They may be used for cross-site tracking, retargeting and ad-serving. We also believe cookies fall into the following general categories:

  • Essential Cookies: These cookies are technically necessary to provide Website functionality. They are a Website’s basic form of memory, used to store the preferences selected by a user on a given site. As the name implies, they are essential to a Website’s functionality and cannot be disabled by users. For example, an essential cookie may be used to prevent users from having to log in each time they visit a new page in the same session.
  • Performance and Function Cookies: These cookies are used to enhance the performance and functionality of a Website, but are not essential to its use. However, without these cookies, certain functions (like videos) may become unavailable.
  • Analytics and Customization Cookies: Analytics and customization cookies track user activity, so Website owners can better understand how their site is being accessed and used.
  • Advertising Cookies: Advertising cookies are used to customize a user’s ad experience on a Website. Using the data collected from these cookies, Websites can prevent the same ad from appearing again and again, remember user ad preferences, and tailor which ads appear based on a user’s online activities.

An explanation of how you can exercise your rights and what to expect from the process

How to submit a request:

You can exercise your rights under the CCPA by completing one of the following actions:

For all requests, you must provide the following Information:

To submit a request to know the information we have collected about you, to request we delete information we have about you, or to request we correct information we have you believe is inaccurate, you must provide the following information to us:

  • Your full name
  • Any alias or other name you may have used with us;
  • Your address;
  • How you have interacted with us (i.e., as a member or if you are not a member, explain how you interacted with us);
  • Any other information you feel will help us identify any records we have collected about you.

Please also see the sections below for additional information.

Requests to know:
If you wish to submit a request to know the information we have collected about you, you may request we tell you:

  • The categories of personal information we have collected;
  • The categories of sources from which the personal information is collected;
  • The business or commercial purpose(s) for collecting, selling, or sharing your personal information;
  • If applicable, the categories of third parties with whom we share personal information;
  • If applicable, the categories of personal information  we sold, and for each category identified, the categories of third parties to whom we sold that particular category of personal information; and
  • If applicable, the categories of personal information we disclosed for a business purpose, and for each category identified, the categories of third parties to whom it disclosed that particular category of personal information.

In response to a request to know, we will provide all the personal information we have collected and maintain about you on or after January 1, 2022, including beyond the 12-month period preceding our receipt of the request, unless doing so proves impossible or would involve disproportionate effort, or you request data for a specific time period. The information we provide will include any personal information our service providers or contractors collected pursuant to their written contract with us. If we claim that providing personal information beyond the 12-month period would be impossible or would involve disproportionate effort, we will provide you with a detailed explanation that includes enough facts to give you a meaningful understanding as to why we cannot provide personal information beyond the 12-month period. We will not simply state it is impossible or would require disproportionate effort.

If you want us to disclose the specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you, you must specify you want to know this information at the time you submit your request. For requests that seek the disclosure of specific pieces of information, if we cannot verify your identity, we will not disclose any specific pieces of personal information to you and we will inform you we cannot verify your identity. If the request is denied in whole or in part, we will also evaluate your request as if it is seeking the disclosure of categories of personal information about you.

For requests that seek the disclosure of categories of personal information about you, if we cannot verify your identity, we may deny the request and we will inform you we cannot verify your identity. If the request is denied in whole or in part, we will provide or direct you to our general business Information Practices regarding the collection, maintenance, and sale of personal information set forth in our privacy policy.

We are not required to search for personal information if all of the following conditions are met:

  1. We do not maintain the personal information in a searchable or reasonably accessible format;
  2. We maintain the personal information solely for legal or compliance purposes;
  3. We do not sell the personal information and do not use it for any commercial purpose; and
  4. We describe to you the categories of records that may contain personal information we did not search because we meet the conditions stated above.

We will not disclose in response to a request to know your Social Security number, driver’s license number or other government-issued identification number, financial account number, any health insurance or medical identification number, an account password, security questions and answers, or unique biometric data generated from measurements or technical analysis of human characteristics. We will, however, inform you with sufficient particularity we have collected the type of information. For example, we may respond that we collect “unique biometric data including a fingerprint scan” without disclosing the actual fingerprint scan data.

If we deny your verified request to know specific pieces of personal information, in whole or in part, because of a conflict with federal or state law, or an exception to the CCPA, we will inform you and explain the basis for the denial, unless prohibited from doing so by law. If the request is denied only in part, we will disclose the other information you requested.

We will use reasonable security measures when transmitting personal information to you.

Requests to delete:
In addition to the general information, you must provide in connection with your request (see “For all requests, you must provide the following information” above), to request information be deleted, you must identify the information you would like us to delete.

If we cannot verify your identity, we may deny the request to delete. We will inform you that your identity cannot be verified.

As set forth in the CCPA regulations, we will comply with a verified request to delete your personal information by:

  1. Permanently and completely erasing the personal information on from our existing systems with the exception of archived or back-up systems, deidentifying the personal information, or aggregating your information;
  2. Notifying our service providers or contractors to delete your personal information from their records which they collected pursuant to their written contract with us, or if enabled to do so by the service provider or contractor, we will delete the personal information the service provider or contractor collected pursuant to their written contract with us; and
  3. Notifying all third parties to whom we have sold or shared the personal information (if applicable) to delete your personal information unless this proves impossible or involves disproportionate effort.

If we, a service provider, or a contractor stores any personal information on archived or backup systems, we/it may delay compliance with your request to delete, with respect to data stored on the archived or backup system, until the archived or backup system relating to that data is restored to an active system or is next accessed or used for a sale, disclosure, or commercial purpose.

In responding to a request to delete, we will inform you whether or not we have complied with your request. We will maintain a record of the request as required by regulation. We, our service providers, contractors, or third parties may retain a record of the request for the purpose of ensuring your personal information remains deleted.

In cases where we deny your request to delete in whole or in part, we will do all of the following:

  1. Provide you with a detailed explanation of the basis for the denial, including any conflict with federal or state law, or exception to the CCPA, or factual basis for contending compliance would be impossible or involve disproportionate effort, unless prohibited from doing so by law;
  2. Delete your personal information that is not subject to the exception;
  3. Not use your personal information retained for any other purpose than provided for by that exception; and
  4. Instruct our service providers and contractors to delete your personal information that is not subject to the exception and to not use your personal information retained for any purpose other than the purpose provided for by that exception.

In responding to a request to delete, we may present you with the choice to delete select portions of your personal information as long as a single option to delete all personal information is also offered and more prominently presented than the other choices. If we provide California consumers the ability to delete select categories of personal information (e.g., purchase history, browsing history, voice recordings) in other contexts, however, we must inform you of your ability to do so and direct you how you can do so. 

Requests to correct:
In addition to the general information, you must provide in connection with your request (see “For all requests, you must provide the following information” above), to request information be corrected, you must identify the information you would like us to correct.

If we cannot verify your identity, we may deny the request to correct. We will inform you your identity cannot be verified.

In determining the accuracy of the personal information is the subject of your request to correct, we will consider the totality of the circumstances relating to the contested personal information. We may deny your request to correct if we determine the contested personal information is more likely than not accurate based on the totality of the circumstances. Considering the totality of the circumstances includes, but is not limited to, considering:

  1. The nature of the personal information (e.g., whether it is objective, subjective, unstructured, sensitive, etc.);
  2. How we obtained the contested information; and
  3. Documentation relating to the accuracy of the information, whether provided by you, available to us, or obtained via another source.

If we are not the source of the personal information and we have no documentation to support the accuracy of the information, your assertion of inaccuracy may be sufficient to establish the personal information is inaccurate.

If we comply with your request to correct, we will correct the personal information at issue on our existing systems and implement measures to ensure the information remains corrected. We will also instruct our service providers and contractors that maintain the personal information at issue pursuant to their written contract with us to make the necessary corrections in their respective systems. Service providers and contractors must comply with our instructions to correct the personal information or enable us to make the corrections and must also ensure the information remains corrected.

If we, a service provider, or a contractor store any personal information that is the subject of your request to correct on archived or backup systems, we/it may delay compliance with your request to correct, with respect to data stored on the archived or backup system, until the archived or backup system relating to that data is restored to an active system or is next accessed or used.

We will accept, review, and consider any documentation you provide in connection with your request to correct whether provided voluntarily or as required by us. You should make a good-faith effort to provide us with all necessary information available at the time of your request.

We may require you to provide documentation if necessary to rebut our own documentation that the personal information is accurate. In determining the necessity of the documentation requested, we will consider the following:

  1. The nature of the personal information at issue (e.g., whether it is objective, subjective, unstructured, sensitive, etc.).
  2. The nature of the documentation upon which we consider the personal information to be accurate (e.g., whether the documentation is from a trusted source, whether the documentation is verifiable, etc.)
  3. The purpose for which we collect, maintain, or use the personal information. For example, if the personal information is essential to the functioning of the Credit Union, we may require more documentation.
  4. The impact on you. For example, if the personal information has a negative impact on you, we may require less documentation.

Any documentation provided by you in connection with your request to correct shall only be used and/or maintained by us for the purpose of correcting your personal information and to comply with the record-keeping obligations under the CCPA regulations.

We will implement and maintain reasonable security procedures and practices in maintaining any documentation relating to your request to correct.

We may delete the contested personal information as an alternative to correcting the information if the deletion of the personal information does not negatively impact you, or if you consent to the deletion. For example, if deleting instead of correcting inaccurate personal information would make it harder for you to obtain a job, housing, credit, education, or other type of opportunity, we will process the request to correct or obtain your consent to delete the information.

In responding to a request to correct, we will inform you whether or not we have complied with your request. If we deny your request to correct in whole or in part, we will do the following:

  1. Explain the basis for the denial, including any conflict with federal or state law, exception to the CCPA, inadequacy in the required documentation, or contention that compliance proves impossible or involves disproportionate effort.
  2. If we claim complying with your request to correct would be impossible or would involve disproportionate effort, we will provide you with a detailed explanation that includes enough facts to give you a meaningful understanding as to why we cannot comply with the request. We will not simply state it is impossible or would require disproportionate effort.
  3. If we deny your request to correct personal information collected and analyzed concerning your health, you may provide a written statement to us to be made part of your record per Civil Code section 1798.185, subdivision (a)(8)(D). The written statement is limited to 250 words per alleged inaccurate piece of personal information and you must request the statement be made part of your record. Upon receipt of such a statement, we will include it with your record and make it available to any person with whom we disclose, share, or sell the personal information that is the subject of the request to correct.

If the personal information at issue can be deleted pursuant to a request to delete, you can make a request to delete the personal information. See “How to submit a request,” “For all requests, you must provide the following information”,” and “Requests to delete” above.   

We may deny your request to correct if we have denied your request to correct the same alleged inaccuracy within the past six months of receiving the request. However, we must treat the request to correct as new if you provide new or additional documentation to prove the information at issue is inaccurate.

We may deny a request to correct if we have a good-faith, reasonable, and documented belief a request to correct is fraudulent or abusive. We will inform you we will not comply with the request and will provide an explanation why we believe the request is fraudulent or abusive.

Where we are not the source of the information you contend is inaccurate, in addition to processing your request, we may, but we are not required to, provide you with the name of the source from which we received the alleged inaccurate information.

Upon request, we will disclose all the specific pieces of personal information we maintain and have collected about you to allow you to confirm we have corrected the inaccurate information that was the subject of your request to correct. This disclosure will not be considered a response to a request to know that is counted towards the limitation of two requests within a 12-month period as set forth in Civil Code section 1798.130, subdivision (b). With regard to a correction to your Social Security number, driver’s license number or other government-issued identification number, financial account number, any health insurance or medical identification number, an account password, security questions and answers, or unique biometric data generated from measurements or technical analysis of human characteristics, we will not disclose this information, but we may provide a way to confirm the personal information we maintain is the same as what you have provided.

The following is a general description of the process we use to verify your identity when submitting a request to know, a request to delete, or a request to correct:

By law and regulation, we are required to positively verify your identity prior to responding to your requests.

  • You will need to provide a valid identification card (i.e., a state-issued driver’s license, ID card, or US or other government-issued passport) plus the address portion of a utility bill, bank, investment, or credit card statement (number redacted) that contains the name and address that matches your ID and information request.
  • If making a request by phone, we may require you to answer specific questions based on information we have or can obtain about you or we may ask you to otherwise verify your identity.
  • If you are requesting to know specific pieces of information, a higher degree of verification may be required. We will also require, pursuant to CCPA regulations, that you submit a signed declaration under penalty of perjury that you are the consumer to whom the information relates.
  • If we are unable to positively identify the person making the request is the consumer to whom the information relates, we may ask for additional verification or we may deny the request.

If you use an authorized agent to submit a request to know information under CCPA, you must verify your own identity with us and provide the agent written permission to submit the request on your behalf unless the agent holds a valid Power of Attorney or Conservatorship of the Person or the Estate for you. An agent’s failure to provide proof of authorization will result in a denial of the request.

Your rights to opt-out and to limit use or sharing of your sensitive personal information

The CCPA gives you the right to tell us not to sell or share your personal information with third parties by opting-out of such information sales or sharing. However, the CCPA also states we are not required to provide you with the right to opt-out if we only sell or share your personal information with our service providers or contractors pursuant to a written contract meets specific requirements, such as the requirement that we only sell or share your personal information to the extent that is reasonably necessary for the service provider or contractor to carry-out the contracted for business purpose and provided the service provider or contractor agrees only to use your personal information for that purpose. You do not have the right to opt-out because we do not sell or share your personal information outside of an exception that allows us to do so.

In addition, the CCPA gives you the right to limit our use or sharing of your sensitive personal information. However, the CCPA also states we are not required to provide you with the right to limit our use or sharing of your sensitive personal information so long as we only share it for the specific purposes set forth in Section 7027(m) of the regulations implementing the California Privacy Rights Act. We are not required to provide you with the right to limit our use or disclosure of your sensitive personal information because we only use or disclose such sensitive personal information for the following purpose(s):

  1. To perform the services or provide the goods reasonably expected by an average consumer who requests those goods or services. For example, a consumer’s precise geolocation may be used by a mobile application that is providing the consumer with directions on how to get to specific location. A consumer’s precise geolocation may not, however, be used by a gaming application where the average consumer would not expect the application to need this piece of sensitive personal information.
  2. To prevent, detect, and investigate security incidents that compromise the availability, authenticity, integrity, or confidentiality of stored or transmitted personal information, provided that the use of the consumer’s personal information is reasonably necessary and proportionate for this purpose. For example, a business may disclose a consumer’s log-in information to a data security company that it has hired to investigate and remediate a data breach that involved that consumer’s account.
  3. To resist malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal actions directed at the business and to prosecute those responsible for those actions, provided that the use of the consumer’s personal information is reasonably necessary and proportionate for this purpose. For example, a business may use information about a consumer’s ethnicity and/or the contents of email and text messages to investigate claims of racial discrimination or hate speech.
  4. To ensure the physical safety of natural persons, provided that the use of the consumer’s personal information is reasonably necessary and proportionate for this purpose. For example, a business may disclose a consumer’s geolocation information to law enforcement to investigate an alleged kidnapping.
  5. For short-term, transient use, including, but not limited to, non-personalized advertising shown as part of a consumer’s current interaction with the business, provided that the personal information is not disclosed to another third party and is not used to build a profile about the consumer or otherwise alter the consumer’s experience outside the current interaction with the business. For example, a business that sells religious books can use information about its customers’ interest in its religious content to serve contextual advertising for other kinds of religious merchandise within its store or on its website, so long as the business does not use sensitive personal information to create a profile about an individual consumer or disclose personal information that reveals consumers’ religious beliefs to third parties.
  6. To perform services on behalf of the business, provided that the use of the consumer’s personal information is reasonably necessary and proportionate for this purpose. For example, a business may use information for maintaining or servicing accounts, providing customer service, processing or fulfilling orders and transactions, verifying customer information, processing payments, providing financing, providing analytic services, providing storage, or providing similar services on behalf of the business.
  7. To verify or maintain the quality or safety of a product, service, or device that is owned, manufactured, manufactured for, or controlled by the business, and to improve, upgrade, or enhance the service or device that is owned, manufactured by, manufactured for, or controlled by the business, provided that the use of the consumer’s personal information is reasonably necessary and proportionate for this purpose. For example, a car rental business may use a consumer’s driver’s license for the purpose of testing that its internal text recognition software accurately captures license information used in car rental transactions.
  8. For purposes that do not infer characteristics about the consumer. For example, a business that includes a search box on their website by which consumers can search for articles related to their health condition may use the information provided by the consumer for the purpose of providing the search feature without inferring characteristics about the consumer.

Questions or concerns?

If you have questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, you may contact us by:

  • Calling us at 800.866.6474; or
  • Submitting your request to Rize Credit Union, 12701 Schabarum Ave., Irwindale, CA 91706.

Online Privacy Policy


To effectively communicate Rize Federal Credit Union’s (RizeCU) policy regarding the privacy of personal information of persons visiting our website.


RizeCU understands the importance of protecting your privacy. Our goal is to maintain your trust and confidence when handling your personal information. We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your personal information consistent with state and federal laws. This Online Privacy Policy (“Policy”) describes how RizeCU collects, uses, shares, and protects information when you visit or use RizeCU.com (“the Website”). By using the Website, you consent to the terms and conditions of this Policy, including your consent to our use and disclosure of information in the manner described in this Policy. The term “us,” “we” or “our” in this Policy refers to RizeCU.

Collecting, using and sharing information

How we collect information
“Cookies” are pieces of information stored directly on your computer, smartphone or other internet access device. Browser cookies are assigned by a web server to the browser on your device. When you return to a website you have visited before, your browser gives this data back to the server. When you visit the Website, we may use cookies and information gathered through their use to personalize your experience with us based on the products, services and other interactions. Information gathered through the use of cookies may be used to make offers to you via online ads, email, mail or phone, subject to the privacy preferences you have on file with RizeCU. Cookies we use do not contain or capture unencrypted personal information.

The browsers of most computers, smartphones and other internet access devices are set up to accept cookies. You can refuse to accept these cookies through your browser settings. You will need to manage your cookie settings for each device and browser. If you choose to reject cookies, you may not be able to use the full functionality of the Website. For example, if we are not able to recognize your device, you will need to answer a challenge question each time you log on. You also may not receive customized advertising or other offers relevant to your interests and needs.

How we respond to “do not track” signals
“Do Not Track” (“DNT”) refers to an HTTP header used by Internet web browsers to request an application disable its tracking or cross-site user tracking. When DNT is enabled, a user’s web browser adds a header to content requests indicating the user does not want to be tracked. Applicable law requires us to disclose how we respond to web browser DNT signals. We do not respond to or take any action with respect to a DNT configuration set in your internet browser, and therefore, there is no reason to disable tracking related to RizeCU’s online presence.

Personal information we collect
When you interact with us via our Website, we will not obtain personal information about you unless you choose to provide such information. Personal information that we may collect about you through online interaction includes information that you provide, such as your name, mailing address, email address and other contact information; data resulting from your activity, such as transaction information; and limited location information (for example, a zip code to help you find a nearby ATM).

We will retain your personal information for as long as your account is active or as needed to provide services. We will retain and use your information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.

Other information we collect
In addition to the personal information described above, we also collect anonymous demographic information, which is not unique to you, such as your zip code, region, preferences, interests, and favorites. We may also automatically collect information about your computer hardware, such as the IP address of your device, the type of operating system and browser you use, search engine used, access times, referring website addresses, the parts of our Website you access, and the sites you visit next.

The role of cookies and other online tracking technologies

We, or our service providers, and other companies we work with may deploy and use cookies, web beacons, local shared objects and other tracking technologies for various purposes, such as fraud prevention and to promote our products and services. Some of these tracking tools may detect characteristics or settings of the specific device accessing our online services.

Clear GIFs, pixel tags or web beacons – which are typically one-pixel, transparent images located on a webpage or in an email or other message – or similar technologies may be used on our sites and in some of our digital communications (such as email or other marketing messages). They may also be used when served advertisements, or you otherwise interact with advertisements outside of our online services. These are principally used to help recognize users, assess traffic patterns and measure engagement.

“First party” cookies are stored by the domain (website) you are visiting directly. They allow the website’s owner to collect analytics data, remember language settings, and perform useful functions that help provide a good experience. “Third-party” cookies are created by domains other than the one you are visiting directly, hence the name third-party. They may be used for cross-site tracking, retargeting and ad-serving. We also believe cookies fall into the following general categories:

  • Essential Cookies: These are a website’s basic form of memory, used to store the preferences selected by a user on a given site. As the name implies, they are essential to a website’s functionality and cannot be disabled by users. For example, an essential cookie may be used to prevent users from having to log in each time they visit a new page in the same session.
  • Performance and Function Cookies: These are used to enhance the performance and functionality of a website, but are not essential to its use. However, without these cookies, certain functions (like videos) may become unavailable.
  • Analytics and Customization Cookies: These track user activity, so website owners can better understand how their site is being accessed and used.
  • Advertising Cookies: These are used to customize a user’s ad experience on a website. Using the data collected from these cookies, websites can prevent the same ad from appearing again and again, remember user ad preferences, and tailor which ads appear based on a user’s online activities.
  • Geolocation Cookies: These allow us to determine your location in order to provide information you request, such as the location of the nearest branch or ATM through the Mobile App. If enabled, your location data may be collected while the app is closed or not in use. You may disable or adjust the Location Services at any time through your mobile device’s settings.

Third-party widgets

We may allow certain widgets (e.g., social share buttons) on our Website allowing users to easily share information on another platform, such as social media. The third parties that own these widgets may have access to information about your browsing on pages of our Website where these widgets are placed. You may wish to review information at third-party sites, such as social media platforms where you have an account, to determine how these third parties collect and use such information.

How we use information

In addition to the uses described above, we use the information for purposes as allowed by law, such as:

  • To process applications and transactions;
  • To service your accounts with us;
  • To send you important information regarding the Website, changes to terms, conditions and/or policies;
  • To track Website usage, such as number of hits, pages visited, and the length of user sessions in order to evaluate the usefulness of our Website;
  • To verify your identity (such as when you access your account information);
  • To respond to your requests and to communicate with you;
  • To send you marketing communications that we believe may be of interest to you;
  • To allow you to participate in surveys, sweepstakes, contests and similar promotions;
  • For our business purposes, including data analysis, developing and improving our products and services, and enhancing our Website;
  • To resolve disputes and prevent and defend claims;
  • To protect our rights and property;
  • To comply with laws and regulations; and
  • To prevent fraud and enhance the security of our Website.

How we share your information with third parties

If you are a RizeCU member, we will use and share any information we collect from or about you in accordance with our Política de privacidad.

RizeCU may share the information we collect from and about you with service providers with whom we work, such as data processors and companies that help us market products and services. When permitted or required by law, we may share information with additional third parties for purposes including response to legal process. Where appropriate, we will limit sharing of your information in accordance with our Política de privacidad.

We do not partner with third parties for the purposes of engaging in online behavioral tracking, nor do we permit third parties to collect from the RizeCU Website personally identifiable information about your online activities.

Children’s online information privacy

Our website is not intended for children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect, maintain, or use personally identifiable information from our Website about children under the age of 13 without parental consent. For more information about the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), visit the Federal Trade Commission website.

Updating your personal information

Keeping your account information up-to-date is important. You can access and/or update your personal information in connection with your account or application by logging on to Banca digital or by calling our Contact Center at 800.866.6474.


Security measures have been implemented to improve Banca digital security. The login security uses a verification code to authenticate yourself via text message and/or a voice call to ensure it’s you trying to access your Banca digital accounts. The options on how to receive your verification codes are provided during the login security setup. Login Security allows us to recognize you as the true owner of your account by recognizing not only your login information but also your computer. If we don’t recognize your computer, you will be requested to receive a new verification code. This adds an additional layer of protection from fraud and identity theft by preventing unauthorized access to your secure financial information.

Linking to other websites

The RizeCU Website may contain links to third party websites. Although these links are to provide you with access to useful information, RizeCU does not control and is not responsible for any of these websites or their contents. We do not know or control what information third-party websites may collect regarding your personal information. RizeCU provides these links to you only as a convenience, and RizeCU does not endorse or make any representations about using such third party websites or any information, software or other products or materials found there, or any results that may be obtained from using them. We encourage you to review the privacy statements of websites you choose to link to from the RizeCU Website so you can understand how those websites collect, use, and share your information. RizeCU is not responsible for the security or privacy practices of the linked websites.

Updates to this Online Privacy Policy

From time to time, we may change this Policy. The effective date of this Policy, as indicated above, reflects the last time this Policy was revised. Any changes to this Policy will become effective when we post the revised Policy on our Website. Your use of the Website following these changes means you accept the revised Policy.

Tarifas y Cargos

Tarifas de cuentas

ArtículoAmount & Description
Entrega especial de Tarjeta o PIN$25 doméstica; internacional al costo
Reemplazo de tarjeta$5 débito o crédito
Cambio de chequesFree – 1.5% of amount for non-members, $5 minimum
Copias de chequesGratis
Órdenes de chequesAt cost – personal or business
Cheques pagadosFree – 30¢ per check over monthly limit on business accounts1
Depósito con monedas5% of amount redeemed by members, waived on Youth accounts – 10% for non-members
MonedaFree – $2 per $1,000 over monthly limit on business accounts1
Artículos depositadosFree – 10¢ per check over monthly limit on business accounts1
DepósitosFree – $2 per deposit over monthly limit on business accounts1
Retiro anticipadoGratis y ilimitado a través de Banca Digital en Super Saver; 2 gratis por año en las cuentas Club, después $15; 4 gratis por año en cuenta Youth Super Saver, después $15
Cobranzas internacionales$30 Canadá, $40 todos los otros países
Transacción del extranjero1% del total de la transacción, débito o crédito
Cuenta inactiva$5 if no activity in 12 months – waived with balances > $250 or for members under 18
Transferencia de IRA$25 si se transfiere a otra institución financiera
Sello tipo medallónGratis en ciertas sucursales; solo con cita previa
Cheques oficialesFree – 1 per day, $3 each additional
Caja de seguridad2Varía anualmente según su tamaño y disponibilidad
Tarifa de servicio$15 cuenta de cheques Fresh Start - mensual
Cheques temporalesFree – up to 2 pages per calendar year

Service charges

ArtículoAmount & Description
Recargo de ATMFree when using Rize Credit Union or CO-OP Network ATMs, otherwise $2
Pago de facturas$5 expedited electronic payment, $20 for expedited check payment
Courtesy Pay3$26 – no fee if overdrawing account’s available balance by $5 or less and paid by using Courtesy Pay, or if transaction is $5 or less and paid by using Courtesy Pay; no more than 3 per day per account
Ajustes de depósito$5
Servicios de DMV$50 for title transfers, lease buyouts, private party and out-of-state sales
Escheat (Reversión al estado)$2
Valor de la vivienda$20 line demand update, $40 line demand, $250 subordination
Acción legal$75 for taxes levies, judgments, garnishments or subpoenas
Copias legales20¢ per page
Copia de documentos de préstamo$10
Modificación de préstamo$50
Notario$10 in California, then $2.50 each additional signature; $5 in Nevada, then $250 each additional signature
PagosFree through Digital Banking, $6.50 for recurring ACH or debit through website, $10 through website, $12.50 for representative assistance
Investigación$30 per hour
Regreso de artículo depositadoFree – $25 if deposited or cashed check on account with same ownership or on loan payment
Devuelto/fondos insuficientes$26 per item each time presented and/or if paid and not covered by Courtesy Pay
Saltarse un pago$30 – limit 2 per rolling year or 12-month period
Cancelación de pago$15 on checks, bills & ACH, $25 on official checks
Copias de estados de cuenta$3 per statement
Estados de cuentaFree with eStatements, $5 per paper statement; waived on new accounts for 3 full months after date account is opened
Verificación de depósito o hipoteca$15
Transferencias bancarias$25 for domestic, $40 for international

Taxpayer Identification & Backup Withholding

Under penalties of perjury, you certify: (1) the number shown entered on your application is your correct taxpayer identification number; (2) you are not subject to backup withholding either because you have not been notified you are subject to backup withholding as result of a failure to report all interest dividends, or the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has notified you that you are no longer subject to backup withholding; (3) you are a U.S. person, including a U.S. resident alien; and (4) you are exempt from FATCA reporting.