If you’ve been impacted by the wildfires and need support or want to help, visit RizeCU.com/LAstrong.

Personalized Loans6

TermMin Loan AmtAPREst Pmt / $1,000
2 years$25010.00% - 15.00%$45.15 - $48.50
4 years$2,50011.00% - 16.00%$25.85 - $28.35
5 years$5,00012.00% - 17.00%$22.25 - $24.86

Credit Builder Loans

TermMin Loan AmtAPREst Pmt / $1,000
9 Months7$2505.50%$113.67
2 Years$5005.50%$44.10
4 Years$2,5006.00%$23.49

Lines of Credit

TermAPRDaily Periodic Rate
Revolving14.75% - 18.00%0.040410% - 0.049315

Share-Secured Lines of Credit

Min Loan AmtAPRDaily Periodic Rate
Secure 100% of amount borrowedShare rate + 3%0.008356%

Certificate-Secured Loans

TermMin Loan AmtAPR
Options up to 5 years8Secure 100% of amount borrowedCertificate rate + 2%

APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Rates are subject to change without notice, are based on creditworthiness, and may require a down payment.

Prime Rate = 7.50% as of 12.19.24

6Includes Debt Consolidation, Forever Family, Home Care, Medical, Quinceañera, Relocation or Moving, and Everything Else loans. 7Teen Credit Builder Loans only – ages 16 to 17. 8Interest must be paid annually, if not on a repayment plan option. Maximum loan amount is based on creditworthiness and ability to repay. $1,000 minimum loan amount. Maximum rate of 18%.