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Personal Checking Accounts
Free Checking$00%0%
BankOn Checking$00%0%
Cuenta Avanzamos$00%0%
Teen Checking$00%0%
Rize™ Checking1≤ $5,0007.25%7.50%
Rize™ Checking1> $5,0000.05%0.05%
Savings Accounts
Prime Savings2$2500.05%0.05%
Super Saver$00.10%0.10%
Vacation & Holiday Club3$00.05%0.05%
Youth Savings4$00.05%0.05%
Youth Super Saver4$00.10%0.10%
Health Savings$00.05%0.05%
Business Checking Accounts
Small Business Checking$00%0%
Commercial Advantage$00.05%0.05%

APY = Annual Percentage Yield. APY reflects the effective rate earned due to compounding interest. Dividends are calculated on the Daily Balance Method.

Rates and terms are subject to change without notice.

1To earn dividends, you must complete at least 10 debit card purchases that post to your account during the statement cycle (ATM withdrawal transactions are not considered debit card purchases). Available only through online opening. 2$5 minimum deposit to secure Credit Union membership. 3$10 opening deposit with one scheduled distribution per year on both Vacation and Holiday accounts – June 1 and November 1, respectively. Both accounts carry an early withdrawal fee of $15. 4Open to members under 18.